Do you know what happens when you go to a doctor, are diagnosed with a disease, and then later you are cured?
Nothing. You care. Your doctor cares. Nobody else cares.
Cures are ignored. There are no statistics of cured for any disease – even for diseases commonly cured by medicines.*
When an infection is cured with an antibiotic, the patient is cured – nobody cares any more. If the treatment failed to cure, try something else. If the infection went away by itself, nobody cares. The patient is cured. When they are cured, there is “Nothing to see here. Move along.” There are many sick patients, more important than those who are cured. We track diseases and deaths and causes of death, but nobody tracks cured for any disease.
For most infectious diseases, the cure monitoring is considered unnecessary. In medical theory, “there is no cure for the common cold“. Of course, most of us get several colds in a year – which are cured by our natural healthiness. When we are healthier, we get fewer colds. When we are healthier, we cure them faster. When we are less healthy, we get more colds. When we are less healthy, the cure takes longer. But when we are cured, life goes on. We can’t even tell for certain, if or when someone has been cured of the common cold. A doctor can diagnose a cold, but there is no test to diagnose it cured. Maybe it’s just in remission. There is no documented medical nor scientific technique to distinguish between a cold cured from a cold in remission. It’s the same for most diseases.
We don’t have a definition of cured for the common cold. Linus Pauling claimed that Vitamin C cures the cold. The medical bureaucracies denied his claims. But neither Pauling nor the bureaucrats had a scientific definition of “cured”. They might as well have been arguing about unicorns. Today, there is still no definition of cured for a cold. We can’t track cured for the common cold – so we don’t. Doctors and statisticians say that people “recover“, but we don’t use the word cure. Cure, the word cure, is forbidden in many cases. Which cases? Cured is not defined for any disease, unless the disease is cured by a conventional medical technique. Cured is forbidden for any disease cured naturally, or by alternative medical techniques.
What Happens when we Ignore Cured?
We know healthier people get fewer colds and cure them faster. We know healthiness has many dimensions.
Which aspects of healthiness contribute most to curing the cold? There are lots of theories – Vitamin C, Vitamin D, chicken soup, sleep, healthy exercise, healthy stress levels. But there is no science. We don’t measure cured, so we can’t track duration. No one measures the healthiness of individuals who are cured quickly, comparing them to the healthiness of individuals who take longer times to be cured. As a result, even though almost every case of the common cold is cured – conventional medical chauvinism declares confidently, that there is no cure.
It’s not just the common cold – many infectious diseases are cured by health, from the cold to influenza, to mumps, measles, and many more. Most cases of cold, flu, SARS, and COVID-19 are cured by health. Ebola is a much more dangerous infection, but still, over 60 percent of patients are cured. Why do we say the patients “recovered“. Why not cured?Most infected teeth and gums are cured by health. Most infections from minor cuts and scrapes are cured by health, although they might be aided by painkillers and bandages.
But we don’t say CURED? If we say patients are cured, we might undertake some efforts, develop some science to understand their cures. There’s just one catch, usually
– the cure isn’t a medicine.
We only take medicines when health fails. But, unless a medicine is used – the cure cannot be recognized. In addition, most medicines make no attempt to cure. We pay attention to treatments, but not cures. Even when a medicine cures, the cures are ignored, and the cured are ignored.
When we look at non-infectious diseases, the situation is worse. Much worse.
Cured is not defined for any non-infectious disease. As a result, when a non-infectious disease is cured, the cure cannot be recognized, if recognized cannot be proven. There is no scientific nor medical test of cured for any non-infectious disease, including cancer.
Maybe you’ve heard the term “cure-rate”. It’s often used for cancer treatments, and sometimes for other diseases treatments. But it’s not a measure of cured. A search for a definition of cure-rate takes us to the National Cancer Institute page, which defines survival rate “The percentage of people in a study or treatment group who are still alive for a certain period of time after they were diagnosed with or started treatment for a disease” – the National Cancer Institute actually doesn’t use the word cure rate. Why not? Perhaps because cure rate does not prove cured in any case. Cure rate is the percentage who “might be” cured by a specific treatment. But without a definition of cured, we can’t be certain.
Cured is not defined for any nutritional disease. Does that seem strange? James Lind advised that there are many cures for scurvy. But at that time, scurvy cured was not well defined. It’s still not defined today. Modern medicine, for all it’s technical prowess, cannot find a cure for scurvy, and instead recommends a “treatment”. What happens when a case of scurvy is cured? The “treatment” was a success. Cures are ignored. Cured is not medically defined for anorexia, or obesity, or even for poisoning. The cure is not a medicine, so cures don’t count.
Cured is not defined for any mental disorder. Mental disorders cannot be cured due to a technical quirk. If a mental disorder is cured – it was cured by addressing the cause. But if it was cured by addressing the cause, then it wasn’t a mental disorder – it was caused by the cause. What happens when a patient’s mental disorder is cured? The cure is ignored. There is no medical nor scientific test for a mental disorder cured.
Conventional medicine claims that all chronic diseases are incurable – advising patients to “learn to live (die) with their disease“. It’s simplistic nonsense. Chronic diseases have chronic causes. They are cured when the chronic nature of the cause is cured. But, what happens if you, or your doctor cures your chronic disease? The cure is ignored. Cures don’t count for chronic diseases – there are no statistics for any chronic diseases cured.
What happens when we Deny Cured?
What happens when conventional medicine cures a disease? In most cases, the cure is ignored. Even if a cure can be proven, there is no tracking of cures. Which doctor cures the most diseases? Which clinic? We have no idea. It’s the same, or worse for other medical practices. What happens when a Traditional Chinese Practitioner cures , or when a Naturopathic practitioner cures, or when a Homeopath cures, or when a chiropractor cures a disease? Same same. Nobody cares. Cured is not defined when a disease is cured by any of these medical practices. What happens when you cure your own disease? Nobody cares – there are no statistics for cured. Nobody tracks cures or cured. There is no medical science of cure.
In 1894, doctors were discouraged that every disease would soon be cured, and JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association editorialized, “The list of incurable diseases decreases every decade; the list of curable diseases now includes many which but a short time ago carried off thousands of victims annually; and the list of preventable diseases promises soon to embrace a very large percent… What then will be left to the jurisdiction of the profession…”
But today, it seems every disease is incurable. When a curable disease is cured, nobody cares – there are no statistics. When an incurable (in current medical theory) disease is cured, the impossibility is simply ignored.
It’s time to study cures. It’s time to study cured.
to your health, tracy
Author: The Elements of Cure
This post was written using the concepts of cure published in the book The Elements of Cure and the book Cure.
* There are statistics for cures brought about by treatments – but no statistics by disease.