Cure Quote

The traditional view (among those who come from cultures that emphasize individualism) is to look within for answers—for pathology or heroism. Modern psychiatry is dispositionally oriented. So are clinical psychology and personality and assessment psychology. Most of our institutions are founded on such a perspective, including law, medicine, and religion. Culpability, illness, and sin, they assume, are to be found within the guilty party,

— Zimbardo, Philip G
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When we study cure historically, we find many meanings and many interpretations. This page presents a random quote from many years of searching for information and understanding of the meanings of cure.

The book A New Theory of Cure (there being no “old theory of cure”) provides a comprehensive definition of cure for all curable illnesses.

Health is whole.
An illness is a hole in our healthiness.
A cure fills the hole with health.

Tracy Kolenchuk, Author: A New Theory of Health