The Last Disease CURED! – 1894

In 1894, doctors feared the end of their profession. The problem? Every known disease appeared to be curable, and every year, more and more diseases were being cured.

The list of incurable diseases decreases every decade; the list of curable diseases now includes many which but a short time ago carried off thousands of victims annually; and the list of preventable diseases promises soon to embrace a very large percent

What then will be left to the jurisdiction of the profession if we are to give up the old belief that doctors are only to cure sick people“. Attributed to Lewis C Parkes, Lecturer on Public Health at St. George’s Hospital, Medical Officer of Health for Chelsea, in The North American Practitioner: Volume VI, January to December 1894

Today, the tide seems to be reversed. The list of incurable diseases is huge and appears to be growing.  Many diseases that were cured easily in the past, have become incurable.

How can this be true?

Cured is not in many medical dictionaries, not in any and current medical reference texts. We have no cures for any chronic disease.  We have no cures for any mental disorder. We have no cures for any non-infectious disease like arthritis, bloat, Chron’s, cancer, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, gout, hypertension… In addition, today we have exactly zero cures caused by any non-approved (so-called alternative medical treatment. There is much news about a potential cure for cancer – where most fundraising appears to go – but no cancer research study contains a testable definition of cancer cured – so no cancer cures can be proven found, much less proven, even after a cure occurs.

What’s going on?

Cures Come From Health

Our medical systems are searching for medicines to cure. As a result, we are told there are no cures for the common cold, influenza and measles nor COVID, even though millions of cases are cured every year.

A New Theory of Cure documents a language of CURE, defining cure, cures, curing and cured for an element of illness.  An element of illness has a single cause. It might have many cure alternatives – based on the cause. It can only be cured by addressing that cause. When an illness or disease has more than one present cause – it requires more than one cure.

Present Cause

The concept of present cause is essential to understanding cure. Any illness has many past causes. Past causes are in the past. They cannot be accessed to cure any illness unless they are also present and causing the illness.

The book defines and explores concepts of miracle cures, partial cures, temporary cures and clearly defines the line between concepts of cure vs treatments that do not cure and remissions that are not cures.  What’s the difference between a remission and a cure?  What’s the difference between a treatment (that does not cure) and a cure? Why are most diseases incurable in current medical theory? The blog posts provide some discussion. The book brings it all together.

In 1894, doctors feared for their profession, that every disease might be cured. What would be the fate of the medical profession if every disease can be cured?

But today, the employment status of doctors are safely ensured.  Most diseases that were curable in 1894 are no longer curable – in today’s medical theory.

to your health, tracy
Author: The Elements of Cure


About Tracy Kolenchuk

Founder of Author. A New THeory of Cure. Theory of Cure - Update 2023. Healthicine: The Arts and Sciences of Health and Healthiness, Healthicine: Introduction to Healthicine.
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