101 Ways to Cure a Flat Tire: Illness, Sickness, Disease

I sometimes say “I’m taking my car to the vet“, to get its checkup, to cure its problems. Is a flat tire an illness? A disease? Is a bike, a car, or an airplane sick when it has a flat tire? Do we cure flat tires?

We can compare a flat tire to an illness, and its repair to a cure. Why should we make this comparison? Can we learn from it?

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Dry Eyes: What Kind of Cure is This?

“Sometime last year, I noticed my eyes were itchy again. The problem has appeared off and on over the past few years. When I was in Arequipa three years ago, my right eye was very itchy. I went to an ophthalmologist who said “esta irritado,” – (it’s irritated). He prescribed some medicine, mostly vitamin and herbal supplements and went on my way. Over a few weeks, the problem faded. I forgot about it. Was it cured?

Now it was back. My right eye was very itchy.

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Vernon Coleman Can’t Cure Depression, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s

I suspect Vernon Coleman knows why he can’t cure dementia.

Vernon Coleman claims to have a cure for many cases of depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and even some cases of Parkinson’s. He’s wrong. He cannot cure them. But it’s complicated. And it’s important to understand why.

TLDR: (too long, didn’t read)

  • Vernon Coleman claims to know how to cure many, perhaps most cases of dementia.
  • On the contrary, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, are all considered incurable.
  • Coleman suggests that addressing the correct cause produces a cure.
  • However, if this technique succeeds, it simply proves the diagnosis wrong, the illness was not mental, it was caused by the cause. The diseases depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s are all medically incurable.
  • Our current mental paradigm cannot recognize any cures of these mental disorders. It’s worse. Our current medical paradigm cannot recognize a cure in any case of a mental disorder.
  • QED: Coleman cannot cure any patient of depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. If a case is cured, the diagnosis must have been wrong, because these diseases are incurable.
  • What can you do, if you or a friend or family member are diagnosed with depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s? You can only try yourself. Modern medicine has given up on cures.
  • What if you cure? Modern medicine cannot recognize the cure.
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In Sickness and Health: Form follows Function?

Form follows function” is a quote by the architect Louis Sullivan who said that buildings and other objects, which we might perceive as not beautiful, should have a shape that primarily relates to their intended function or purpose. The phrase is used extensively by architects, designers, and engineers to guide and rationalize their insight and work.

Others suggest that function follows form. But Sullivan said it first, so that’s the memorable quote, the mantra. When we ask Google or Bing to search for “function follows form” both return form follows function as the first result. Both respect authority.

What about health? What about sickness? Does form follow function, or does function follow form? In The New Theory of Cure, healthiness is present when our attributes and processes are in harmony, illness is found where an attribute or a process has gone astray.

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Most Cancers are easily Cured

This post is the third in a series about easy cures. The first two are: Most Cures are easy, trivial, and therefore ignored, and Most Infections are Minor, Easily Cured. Obviously cancer is a complex disease – and we should expect an exploration of cures to be complicated as well. This post is long.

TLDR Summary

  • The majority of cancer statistics are negative, primarily used for prevention and fundraising, not for cures. Cancer research studies are normally designed, funded, completed, documented, peer reviewed and published without a functional definition of cure.
  • Cancer is poorly defined. As a result, all claims of cancer cured can be dismissed or countered with claims of misdiagnosis, possible remission (also not defined) or simple NED (No Evidence of Disease) and no evidence of cured (NEC?).
  • Cured is not defined medically nor scientifically for any non-infectious disease, therefore not defined for any case of cancer. Cured is also not medically nor scientifically defined for any non-approved (so-called ‘alternative’) treatments.
  • The largest percentage of cases of any illness, including cancers, are minor, often trivial, and easily cured. Their cures are ignored – the illness was not important.
  • at the same time, many cancers are deadly and many people die from cancers.
  • Most cancers are easily cured, but all cancer cures are ignored at best, generally dismissed, or persecuted if promoted.

I was recently struck by a pair of opposing statistics on cancer and cancer cures:

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