What happens after a COVID-19 cure? This post was originally written last October, but apparently, nothing has changed. “The Donald”, claims to be cured of COVID-19. Some people are happy for Donald. Some, not so much. But nobody cares about the cure. “The Donald” was news. COVID-19 cured? Not-news.
Was Donald cured by a medicine? Was he cured by a healthicine? There are lists of medicines that he was talking before and after the infection – and lots of speculation. There is speculation that he was also taking Vitamin D, Zinc, and possibly other healthicine supplements. We don’t know for sure.
Is Donald cured? His doctor says: “The President tests negative for COVID-19.” The Doctors of Donald duck the cure question. Discussing cures is a forbidden in official medical circles.
Was Donald cured? Was he cured by a medicine? Was he cured by a preventative? Or was he simply cured by his natural healthiness?
Health is the best medicine, the best cure. – A Theory of Cure
Most cases of COVID-19 are cured by healthiness. Most people who test positive for COVID-19 are advised to go home. Typically, no medical advice is given. No healthicine advice is given. “Go home and self isolate” is often sufficient to cure COVID-19. If you contact COVID-19, and you go home, and self-isolate, and you are cured. Nobody cares.
There are statistics for COVID-19 across the world, across countries, states, provinces, even cities and sometimes clinics. There are statistics for Cases, Recovered (some countries don’t report recovered) and Deaths.
There are no statistics for COVID-19 cured. None.
Donald Trump, the president of the United States, is cured of COVID-19. Everybody cares about “the Donald” (one way or another). Nobody cares about the cure. Cures don’t count. COVID-19 cures are not counted. The National Institute of Health (NIH) of the USA’s COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines – over 220 pages as of October 19th, does not contain the word “cure“.
This is not new. There are no statistics of cured for any disease. Cured is not defined for most diseases. Cured is not defined for the common cold, influenza, measles, depression, diabetes, gout, even obesity and scurvy have no test for cured. COVID-19 is no different.
Donald can claim he is cured, or that he was cured. Nobody cares. Cured is not defined. There is no test for COVID-19 cured. It is not possible to test for COVID-19 cured, without a definition of COVID-19 cured, and there is no such definition.
It is possible to test for “SARS-CoV-2 infection cured“. Tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection cured are defined in a few clinical studies, measuring the effects of specific medicines. When there is no medicine being tested, no medicine producing the cure, nobody cares if SARS-CoV-2 is cured. So, there is no test.
COVID-19 can be much more complex than a SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19 can be asymptomatic. It can cause minor effects, like loss of smell and COVID-toes. Sometimes it causes serious lung disease, damage to the circulatory system, the brain, and other bodily systems. It can cause COVID-19 PTSD, and COVID-19 pneumonia. When is COVID-19 cured? It’s complicated.
But even when a simple case of COVID-19 infection is cured, we don’t study cured. What happens when COVID-19 is cured? Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Where’s your mask? Here’s one.
to your health, tracy
Author: The Elements of Cure
This post was written based on the concepts of cure published in the book: The Elements of Cure.
and the unpublished book (blocked by Amazon)
COVID-19: From Causes to Cures
This post is the latest in a series of “what happens after a cure” blog posts:
What Happens after Conventional Medicine Cure? Ignorance and Denial
What happens when a Clinical Study Cures?
What happens after an Osteopathic Cure?
What happens when Chinese Medicine Cures?
What Happens after a Naturopathic Cure?
What Happens after a Homeopathic Cure?
What Happens after a Chiropractic Cure?