Theory of Cure: A Summary

Illness Types

An illness is a negative condition existing in the present, a hole in healthiness. Only a present illness can be cured. A present illness has present causes. A curable illness is a present illness that can be cured.

This post is a summary of concepts presented in the paper A Theory of Cure.

To cure is to successfully address the present cause(s) of an illness.  It is not possible to cure by addressing past nor future causes.

An illness element has a single cause. Each present cause of an illness creates an illness element, an elementary illness.

An elementary cure addresses a single cause, curing an element of illness.

A compound illness consists of two or more illness elements, has two or more causes, requires two or more cures. Compound illnesses are often diagnosed as single diseases.

secondary illness is an illness caused by an illness. Injuries are the most common secondary illnesses because illnesses uncured create more and more severe signs and symptoms, leading to injuries. If the causal illness is also present, there exists:

A Complex illness, consisting of an illness causing a secondary illness.

chronic illness has a chronic present cause. The cause is often insufficient to create an illness when not chronic. A repeating illness has a repeating cause or the repeating presence of a cause. Often their causes do not create illness until they are chronic.

Illnesses uncured can accumulate causes, progressing from elements of illness to compound, secondary, complex, repeating, and chronic illnesses. This progression is often viewed as a single disease by conventional medicine.

Causes of Illness

Causes of illness are natural processes or things that do not cause illness most of the time. Most causes are healthy, causing healthiness, rarely causing illness .Illness is created when the cause disrupts a life entity.

There are two fundamental causes of illness: negative causal processes and negative attributes, which create the two basic types of illness: causal illnesses and attribute illnesses. Most causes are healthy, rarely causing illness. Injuries are attribute illness. The injury is the present cause. Many injuries are secondary illnesses.

The present cause of an illness might be in the diet, the body, the mind, the spirits, the communities, or the environment of the afflicted. The illness might be due to the presence of a cause, or the (presence of an) absence of a necessary to health. In each case, the cure is to address the present cause.

This image illustrates the natural progression of illness elements when causes are not addressed, when illnesses are not cured. This process can also be illustrated as a circle of illnesses, which can progress over time to a downward spiral.


To cure is to address the present cause.

A causal cure is a process that addresses the process cause, curing a causal illness element. Causal cures must be maintained to maintain the cured status.

An attribute transformation cures an attribute illness element. Once the transformation is complete, no further cure actions are necessary. The patient is not transformed, only the present cause.

Healing cures injuries by transforming the injury, the present cause of signs and symptoms.

Addressing the chronic nature of the cause is necessary to cure a chronic illness.The cause of a chronic illness element might be the chronic presence (or absence) of a negative process or attribute. Attribute illnesses, except for injuries, are naturally chronic because attributes persist.

Every curable illness is cured by addressing its present cause(s).  Every curable illness can be cured.

An illness element is cured when:

  • the cause has been successfully addressed
  • healing has completed
  • the signs and symptoms have faded and gone
  • no more medicines are necessary.

A cure proves the cause. There is no better proof of cause.

Health is the Best Cure

Most cures come from health, from healthy actions, from improvements in healthiness.

No cure is perfect. No cure is permanent. An illness is not something that can go away and later return. Any cured illness might occur again when the cause occurs again.

No cures are spontaneous. Claims of spontaneity are only made when we do not understand the cause and the cause of the cure. The common cold is cured by health: when we are healthier, we get fewer colds and cure them faster. When we are less healthy, we get more colds which last longer.

The concepts in this post are explored further in the paper A Theory of Cure, and in more detail in the book: The Elements of Cure.

to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
Author: A Theory of Cure
Author: The Elements of Cure


About Tracy Kolenchuk

Founder of Author. A New THeory of Cure. Theory of Cure - Update 2023. Healthicine: The Arts and Sciences of Health and Healthiness, Healthicine: Introduction to Healthicine.
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