The Searching for A Cure Myth

We might wish to believe that when a medical condition judged to be incurable or a disability is subsequently cured, the curative action has changed it to a curable condition, and the cure is documented. However, most such cases are ignored or actively dismissed.” — A Theory of Cure

Searching for a cure is a myth. There have always been and continue to be many cure claims for arthritis, back pain, depression, diabetes, even cancers. All are ignored medically and scientifically.

Not one can be validated scientifically. Not one can be disproven scientifically either, in a medical system where cure is without a definition. We don’t study cure. So we cannot study cures.

In the history of medicine, there are many theories of disease, none which are adequate to produce cures consistently. There is only agreement on a single fact:

Every illness is caused by …

In ancient Greek medicine, illness comes from an imbalance of the four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), illness is caused by unhealthy yin/yang; heat/cold; interior/exterior; and excess/deficiency. In Ayurveda, the three basic humours Vata, Pitta, and Kapha govern health and illness is caused when they are out of alignment. In modern medicine, infectious illnesses are caused by the infectious agent. Non-infectious illnesses seem to have have statistical innumerable causes but no cure causes.

All theories agree is that “Every illness is caused by (something).

Every illness is cured by?

In ancient Greek medicine, the cure is a rebalancing. In Traditional Chinese medicine, the cure is to address the yin/yang, hot/cold, deficiency/excess. In Aurveda, the cure is to address the issues in Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

However, all of those theories are ignored by today’s conventional medicine. An illness caused by an infectious agent can be cured by killing or removing the infectious agent.

In today’s conventional medicine, there are no other cures. None. It seems obvious that “scurvy is cured with Vitamin C“. Unfortunately, it’s obvious and wrong. No current medical text claims that Vitamin C can CURE scurvy. Scurvy cured is not defined medically.

In today’s conventional medicine, “there is no cure for the common cold.” Nor is there a cure for influenza, mumps, measles, nor covid. Even as millions, billions of cases are cured, our medical systems deny them – they are not “medical cures.

Medically, Cured is Undefined for Most Diseases

Medically, cured is undefined for all non-infectious diseases. There is no medical test of cured for arthritis, back pain, Crohn’s, cancer, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, gout, hypertension… and many more.

There is no cure, and no test of cured for the common cold, influenza, and any disease cured by natural healthiness.

There are no cures and no test of cured for any mental disorder.

There are no cures and no test of cured for any chronic disease.

As a result, there can be no cures of any disease cured by any alternative medicine or alternative medical treatment. No cures can be proven in conventional medicine, therefore no cures are possible, therefore no alternative cures are possible either.

How Might we Find Cures?

To find cures, we need a comprehensive definition of cure, cures, curing and cured that covers every illness (diagnosable as a disease or not) and every disease. Is that possible? Of course it is.

A Theory of Cure, provides a comprehensive definition of cure for any illness, based on cause. When an illness is present, the cause of the illness is also present. Past causes cannot be accessed to cure. The cure is to address the PRESENT cause of the illness. There are two basic types of causal elements – only two. There are two basic types of cures. The theory can be aligned with every historical and present theory and practice of medicine. It simply fills in the theoretical blanks.

Curing vs Healing

What’s the difference between healing and curing? They use the exact same principles, addressing the same two causes – in each case the present cause of the illness must be addressed. Understanding the difference between curing and healing is trivial. Both are cures.

Curing consists of conscious, intentional actions that cure.

Healing consists of unconscious intentional actions that cure.

Curing is not So Hard

When we study cure, seriously, scientifically, we might notice something interesting.

Most illnesses are trivial. We get a small cut, a bruise, an upset stomach, a mosquito bite. We hardly consider them to be illnesses. The cures are trivial. Some are a bit harder – influenza is normally healed within a few days. The common cold is easily healed in a week, but we search for faster cures, ignoring the actual cures. We don’t visit a doctor, and if we do, the advice is “take two aspirin (or the latest patented painkiller) and call me in the morning.” We visit the doctor when we can’t cure it ourselves, when it is not trivial. Doctors also ignore the trivial illnesses.

As a result, we fail to notice that:

Most Cures are Trivial

We ignore most cures, we fail to understand cures, and therefore we cannot develop any comprehensive theories of cure – so cures are ignored. Gradually, we have progressed to fearing cures. We fear bogus cures, fake cures, quack cures, and alternative cures. They can’t be true, because modern medicine cannot cure. If our powerful medical sciences cannot cure the common cold, how can chicken soup cure?

A Theory of Cure

The book, A Theory of Cure, provides a comprehensive theory of cure, ranging from simple cures of minor cuts and bruises to complex cures like a heart transplant. The underlying theory is the same in all cases.

to your health, tracy


About Tracy Kolenchuk

Founder of Author. A New THeory of Cure. Theory of Cure - Update 2023. Healthicine: The Arts and Sciences of Health and Healthiness, Healthicine: Introduction to Healthicine.
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