“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms” – Socrates.
I’ve just received a box of books. The Elements of Cure is the first and only book to define the word “cure”, drawing clear distinctions between cure, treatment and remission.
Today, there are thousands of cure claims. Are any of them valid? There are hundreds of books claiming to cure single diseases, sometimes even lists of diseases. Is anyone actually cured? Are they totally cured? Partially cured? Temporarily cured? How can we tell? Who can tell? And what about COVID-19? Have you noticed we have daily statistics for COVID cases, Recovered, and Deaths. But there are no statistics for COVID-19 cured. Most people who get COVID are cured quickly and easily by natural healthiness. 
How might we recognize a cure? How might we prove a cure? What doctor, what medical system can validate a cure claim? Today, there are none. Cure is scientifically defined only for infectious diseases – accomplished by killing the infectious agent and proving it dead.
All non-infectious disease cures are undefined, untestable, unproven – and therefore – unseen. There are no cures for any chronic disease, no cures for any mental disorder. There are no cures for ANY non-infectious disease, including trivial diseases like scurvy and obesity.
Do alternative treatments cure? We simply don’t know. When a cure occurs, it can’t be proven. The debate between conventional treatments and alternative treatments is a debate about “which treatment DOES NOT CURE better“.
Why can’t we cure most diseases? Because cured is not defined. Without a definition of cure, there can be no cures. Even when the common cold, influenza, measles, and most infections are cured by health – the cures are not recognized. Today, there are no cures.
The Elements of Cure defines cure, cures, curing, and cured. In doing so, it also defines “remission (but not cured)“, partial cure, temporary cure, and incurable, in a logical scientific fashion, beginning with trivial cures and building our ability to understand cures of complex and compound diseases like many cancers.
All cures come from health.
The Elements of Cure makes no claim to cure. That’s not the objective. The goal is to provide simple definitions and guidelines that can be used to determine if a cure is present, or not. The exploration of cure leads us to a simple conclusion.
Healthy actions cure. When we cure, a patient is healthier. Health is the best preventative, the best cure, the only true cure.
You can buy The Elements of Cure on Amazon, in Kindle or print formats. The Canada link is
I Need Help
The Elements of Cure is the conclusion of a three (now four)year project to understand CURE. I would love to see your thoughts, ideas, criticisms to make it better.
The Elements of Cure was published in the summer of 2019. Since that time, we’ve been enduring the COVID-19 saga, which prompted me to re-examine all concepts in the book from a new perspective. The Elements of Cure has been updated with a new, clear understanding, based on months of research into COVID-19 and it’s cures.
to your health, tracy
Author: The Elements of Cure