CURE Quote
Callahan makes a strong plea for the primacy of caring over curing: ‘There is never any certainty that our illnesses can be cured or death averted, eventually they will, and must triumph.’
— Silverman, William A, Where’s the evidence? : controversies in modern medicine, 1998Archives
Tag Archives: sickness
101 Ways to Cure a Flat Tire: Illness, Sickness, Disease
I sometimes say “I’m taking my car to the vet“, to get its checkup, to cure its problems. Is a flat tire an illness? A disease? Is a bike, a car, or an airplane sick when it has a flat … Continue reading
In Sickness and Health: Form follows Function?
“Form follows function” is a quote by the architect Louis Sullivan who said that buildings and other objects, which we might perceive as not beautiful, should have a shape that primarily relates to their intended function or purpose. The phrase is … Continue reading