CURE Quote
One of the impediments to successful democracy in our age is the complexity of the modem world, which makes it increasingly difficult for ordinary men and women to form an intelligent opinion on political questions, or even to decide whose expert judgment deserves the most respect. The cure for this trouble is to improve education, and to find ways of explaining the structure of society which are easier to understand than those at present in vogue. Every believer in effective democracy must be in favour of this reform. But perhaps there are no believers in democracy left except in Siam and the remoter parts of Mongolia.
— Bertrand Russell, In Praise Of Idleness, 1935Archives
Tag Archives: caring
Healing, Caring, Curing – Compared
Is healing curing? Is curing healing? Does caring cure? Does it heal? With the conceptual framework of the New Theory of Cure, we can look at these questions in a new light. In October 2023, I published a post on … Continue reading
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Tagged caring, curing, healing, healthicine, theory of cure
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