The Risk Virus has infected modern medicine.
Let’s begin with a story. It’s a common story, any doctor, or any nurse can tell you a similar story from their experience. In this case, it’s a true story I recently heard from a friend, who just happens to be a doctor. It did not happen to him as a doctor. It happened to him as a patient. If you talk to your nurse, or your doctor friend, they can all tell you a similar story, but they can’t explain it. This post will explain it.
My friend needed to visit a doctor. Like most of us, he spent some time in the waiting room, with his wife. I guess even doctors have to wait. One of the other patients (who did not know he was a doctor), related her story to his wife. The doctor listened, although the conversation was muffled because the woman was wearing a surgical mask.
The woman explained that she had allergies to “almost every organic substance”, and they were impeding her ability to function. As a result, she was often unable to work at her job. Her doctor had made suggestions to improve her health: stop smoking, improve her diet, stop using toxic chemical cleaners – but she found these recommendations too hard to follow. She was taking 8 different medicines, prescribed by her doctor, to treat her conditions, her symptoms.
My friend’s wife talked about prevention, eating healthy foods, and about the value of drinking water – the woman replied that she didn’t like the taste of water – she got enough water from diet soft drinks.
There are no cures for this woman’s condition. She’s been infected with the risk virus. Every suggested action (other than a medicine) is seen as a risk to her health. Only medicines are safe.
She is taking 8 medicines. How many diseases does she have? How many conditions? How many diagnoses? How many of her conditions are ongoing, and caused by her medicines?
Risk sells. It has infected many patients, and many doctors. It has infected many clinical studies, many researchers, and many research projects.
Today, every disease has ‘risk factors’ – fear factors, but there are few ‘cures’. From diabetes, to heart disease, from COPD to kidney disease, and even cancers. These diseases are listed in the top ten causes of disease – but they have no cures. How does this happen? Why does this happen? It’s the risk virus.
The risk virus is a ruse, a lie. The lie that no individual illness has an actual cause, they only have ‘risks’. When a patient gets cancer, or heart disease, or COPD, there is no real cause. Everything becomes a risk factor. This is simply a lie – but a very pervasive and effective lie, a viral lie.
It’s a sales lie, a powerful marketing technique. Years ago, I worked in computers. I often encountered the F.U.D. of IBM sales staff. Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. It’s a great sales technique. Talk about the uncertainty and doubt of alternatives. Create fear. Present a ‘safe’ solution. Maybe it’s not the ‘best’ solution. Maybe it’s not perfect, but it’s safe. IBM is a safe bet.
Most of today’s medicines are designed, constructed and marketed by risk, by fear, uncertainty and doubt – FUD. It’s nonsense, but nonsense sells, trust me on this.
This is the risk ruse, so pervasive that it spreads like a virus, killing all hope of a cure. Focus on risks, not on actual causes of any illness. Talk about risks, study risks, ignore actual causes. Create a market for your product, fear.
The risk virus kills cures. If you find the actual cause of an illness, the cure is obvious. Often, no medicine is needed. The absence of medicine does not cause any illness. There are many illnesses that can only be cured by ‘not medicines’.
When the risk virus generates fear, no-one looks for a cause. But if we don’t find, and address individual causes, we cannot cure any illness, we cannot cure any patient.
The true cure for any illness is trivial: it’s the opposite of the true cause.
If you have arthritis, heart disease, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes, know this: these diseases are all ACTIVE. They are not disabilities. They are active diseases, with present, active causes. Removing causes is the first step of every cure. The second step is healing the damage caused by the illness.
But no one will tell you what is causing your arthritis, your heart disease, your hypertension, nor your type 2 diabetes. No one will look for ‘your causes’. Everyone is too busy selling ‘treatments’, so you can live with your ‘condition’ and buy more ‘medicines’.
It’s hard work to find individual causes.
When your causes are found, or even suggested, there’s a good chance you will refuse to believe. Like that woman in the doctor’s office. When her doctor tells her the cause, tells her the cure, she doesn’t want to hear it. Addressing causes is hard work. We want powerful medicines, not hard work.
Cures require belief. Addressing causes of illness requires belief in the cause. Once we find, and believe in the correct cause, the cure becomes possible. Until then, we need hope. We need to believe that the cause can be found, and that it will lead to the cure.
But she doesn’t want to believe. She doesn’t want to believe that her current lifestyle is the cause of her illnesses. We don’t want to believe either.
The risk virus doesn’t want you to believe. It wants you to fear. It wants you to accept your illness. Many more medicines are sold on fear and acceptance than on hope. Take this test. Head over to your local pharmacy and check out the OTC (Over The Counter) medicines. Buy the one that cures. Can you find a single OTC medicine that claims to cure any disease. It’s almost the same behind the counter. Over 95 percent of prescription medicines make no claim to cure – they treat symptoms, help you to live with your disease. They help you to give up hope. The belief that most medicines cure is a myth, the medicines myth.
Everything becomes a risk of disease. There are no causes. As long as there are no causes, there are no cures, only medical treatments. Treatments having no hope of a cure.
It is much easier to take a medicine that does not cure, to treat the symptoms. You can feel them working, feel the power of the medicine that doesn’t cure. It’s easier to learn to ‘live with your disease’, and, bonus, you get to continue to live with your causes of disease. It’s much more difficult to find the actual causes, and address them, to cure.
To live with the Risk Virus is the easy path.
Today, we can find the risk virus everywhere. Thousands of medical studies search, not for causes, not for cures, but for ‘risk factors‘. The result, predictably, is nonsense. This was recently demonstrated by the meta-study of risk factors, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers counted research studies into 20 common foods. They found that all 20 increased risk of cancer in some studies. But the same 20 foods decreased risk of cancer in other studies. The result is clearly nonsense, but no one looked for a specific cause of a specific cancer in any study, nor in any patient.
What is a cure? Cure is not well defined in the field of medicine – and I believe the Risk Virus is part of the reason. We’ll use a simple, powerful, useful definition of ‘cure’ with respect to this woman’s condition. At present, her condition is ‘active’, and actively getting worse over time.
- A cure is an action that stops the progression of an illness.
- Every illness is active. Every illness has a progression. If it is not progressing, it’s not an illness. Maybe it’s a disability. A missing arm is a disability. Or a feature (my baldness is not progressing, it has become a feature).
- Every illness is active, an active reaction to active causes.
- Therefore, every illness has an active cause, or causes.
- To cure, is to effectively address, or remove the causes.
A cure often has two parts. The first part is to stop the progress. However, illness often causes physical damage. The second part of a cure is to heal the damage. Healing is not always possible, and seldom perfect.
“Every Illness Can Be Cured” – the Healthicine Creed. An illness is cured when the cause is addressed. Every illness, every single case of an illness in a patient, has a specific cause, or a specific set of causes. It can only be cured when those specific causes are addressed.
Addressing individual causes is the only cure. It’s not the “only hope for a cure”, it is the only cure. There are no exceptions. A diseases has many possible causes, many ‘risks’, but every individual case has specific causes, and specific curative actions.
Today, there are no ‘cures’ for many diseases. It’s not just cancer that’s incurable, we can’t cure diabetes, obesity, hypertension. We can’t cure COPD, nor Alzheimer’s Disease, nor Multiple Sclerosis, nor Parkinson’s. Legally, according to the US/FDA, we can’t claim to cure scurvy, nor beriberi. Are there any diseases we can cure?
There are a few diseases we can cure. We can cure pneumonia with antibiotics. We can cure other bacterial infections with antibiotics. The antibiotics kill the invading bacteria, to cure the disease. They work sometimes. But they can’t cure the common cold – caused by a bacteria. We can cure fungal skin infections with antifungals. Antifungal medicines kill the fungus to cure the disease. Can we cure a viral disease with antiviral medicines? No, not actually. Antiviral medicines ‘inhibit’ the virus, but they do not cure it. Why not? Viruses are not really alive, so our medicines can’t really ‘kill’ them. Have you noticed a pattern?
How do we cure these diseases? By successfully killing the specific causes. When we are successful in addressing the cause, the disease is cured.
Are there any other types of diseases we can cure? Nope. Not today. Not one. Today, we can only cure diseases, and prove the disease is cured, when we can kill the cause. Cure, and cured are simply not defined for diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancers, Alizheimers’s, COPD, MS, Parkinson’s. If someone cures their obesity, there is no way to prove it is cured. If someone cures their diabetes, there is no way to prove they are cured. If someone cures their heart disease, there is no way to prove they are cured. If someone cures their cancer, we can only wait 5 years, and if it doesn’t reappear, we call it a “5 year survival cure”, because there is no way to prove that a cancer has been cured.
You might be surprised to learn that today’s medical textbooks do not list cures for scurvy, or any other disease caused by nutritional deficiency – they only list ‘treatments’. Not only that, the US/FDA specifically forbids a manufacturer from advertising a ‘cure’ for scurvy – even it if can actually cure the disease.
Since we can’t actually cure most diseases, we sell ‘treatments’ that don’t cure. Symptomicines. Most of today’s medicines are symptomicines, treatments that do not claim to cure, and cannot cure. These treatments attack the symptoms, but not the disease, not the actual cause of the disease. They cannot cure, by design.
Everyone hopes for a cure. How can a salesman market products that don’t cure, when everyone wants a cure? We need a ruse, the Risk Virus. The risk virus kills all hope of cures, expanding the market for medicines that cannot cure.
We can only learn to cure when we can see beyond the risk virus, beyond the risk ruse.
We need to look for true causes. Only true causes lead to true cures.
to your health, tracy
Tracy is the author of two books about healthicine:

Hi Tracy, as always a very interesting article. It also triggered my memory of having watched a video of Liz Parish presenting. The video is here.
Interesting video Dimitri. However, I must say that I disagree with her premise, and that makes me want to rethink and restate everything in her video, from a different perspective: a health perspective. She talks about aging as if it is a ‘thing’ that we can see, touch, and change. But in truth, the effects of aging are natural effects of health, not of aging. Her presentation gives people a lot of hope, but ignores the fundamentals of health and thus, the fundamentals of aging. For example, she says “immunization is the only preventative medicine on the planet, until gene therapy came along”. But in truth, nutrition is and has always been a more powerful preventative medicine, because it improves health. She’s working from a presumption that everyone is getting healthy nutrition, and what do we need to do after that. The fact is ugly. Most people in the USA are suffering from malnutrition. Obesity is a disease of malnutrition. Heart disease is not a disease of aging, in many cases it is a disease of nutrition. She describes aging as “cellular damage that occurs over time”, and she gives a long list of causes of cellular damage, but ignores nutrition. Poor nutrition is the main cause of cellular damage.
Poor health is the main cause of cellular damage, the main cause of aging.
very interesting comment Tracy, I tend to concur with your point of view. Liz Parish does look very healthy though and she is the first one (officially) to have received the therapy. (there’s an interview with her about this on youtube) So time will tell I guess. Trouble is that “health” is probably not very defined as yet, especially in Joe Public’s mind, as education of that sort has not even made it into the medical field. Since I posted this 3 months ago, I’ve read “The MD Emperor Has No Clothes” by Peter Glidden. He’s pretty pissed off at the symptom suppressant orthodox medical business model. In some ways, the gene therapy “pill” could be seen as yet another quick fix to avoid the “master disease” called ageing.
Healthicine is definitely a great conversation to bring into the mix as it does belong in humanity’s consciousness. Nutrition per se is also an interesting field of discussion, especially since we can now also include nutrition that you can not obtain from a shop. Not sure if I’ve mentioned this amazing documentary to you already but it sure does contribute to the health conversation a lot imo. – enjoy.
I really appreciate being in conversation with you. Regards, Dimitri 🙂
Hey Dimitri! Nice to hear from you again. I did check out Peter Glidden. Interesting – we have come to many of the same conclusions via different pathways. I suggested to him (and will blog tomorrow) that instead of the MD has no clothes, we should say that the MD has no CURES. I do have some criticisms of his writing, but definitely some steps in the right direction. The light documentary is outside of my scope. I am focused on healthicine, and little time for further investigations, no matter how interesting they seem.
Hi Tracy! Just read your post The Doctor Has No Cures 🙂 before I saw your message. I thought fabulous! … and you must have gotten onto Mr Glidden… and you have! Not sure if you read his book (although you might be speed reading) which is very good imo in terms of health, but especially in terms of cure content. I do share the feeling that there is criticisms to be had of his writing (especially his tone) but that’s his personal agenda. There is a lot of great stuff in it aside from his tirades against the orthodox medical establishment.
Light doco … well, maybe you can simply consume it as intelligent entertainment some day, it is actually a great film to just watch, a bit like nature docos of old.