Health is Whole: Illness is a Hole in Health

Health is whole.

Health is about wholeness and wholesomeness. Health is not perfect, no-one’s health is perfect, but everyone is a whole.

A baby is whole. A grandparent is whole. A disabled person is whole.  Even a sick person is still a whole person.

Health is not the absence of illness. Health is whole, whether illness is present or not.


An illness is a hole in health.

An illness can be caused by deficiencies or excesses in life.

When an illness is caused by a deficiency, the deficiency is the hole. Sometimes a deficiency causes other holes in health.

When an illness is caused by an excess, the hole is in the signs and symptoms caused by the excess.



A cure fills the hole of an illness.

An illness caused by a deficiency is cured by addressing the deficiency, filling the hole. If the deficiency has caused further damage, that must also be healed.

An illness caused by an excess is cured by addressing the excess, and also healing the damage, the hole caused by the illness.


This model of health and illness is the foundation of the book The Elements of Cure. Of course, illnesses can become very complex over time. When multiple causes occur at once – or  accumulate over time, illnesses become compound.  In these cases, multiple complex and compound cures are necessary.

Every Illness can be Cured

The book The Elements of Cure is about curable illnesses.

Every curable illness can be cured. When we study the elements of cure, we study illnesses that can be cured, causes that can be addressed, we can learn to cure. When we treat illnesses, without any cure goals – every illness seems incurable, and every cure is a mystery, like magic.

Cures are not magic. When aim to treat illness without intentions to cure – we find no cures. When we aim to cure, cures are found.

The cause of an illness might be in body, mind, spirits, communities, or the environments of the patient. Each layer of the patient’s health, from cells, tissues, organs and limbs, organ systems, body, mind, spirits, and communities is an environment for lower layers.

Cause are many. How do we find the true cause of an illness?

By curing it.

How do we cure an illness? By addressing a true cause, a cause that cures.

to your health, tracy
Author: The Elements of Cure


About Tracy Kolenchuk

Founder of Author. A New THeory of Cure. Theory of Cure - Update 2023. Healthicine: The Arts and Sciences of Health and Healthiness, Healthicine: Introduction to Healthicine.
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