The COVID Cure Paradox

TLDR: When Vitamin D cures a case of COVID-19, it wasn’t COVID-19, it was Vitamin D deficiency disease. COVID cured with Vitamin C? Same. COVID cured with Vitamin D and zinc? Only proves it wasn’t COVID. When Trump’s bleach solution cures? Paradoxical.

We’ve long heard that Big Pharma ignores cures and only sells toxic medicines. The motivation – in theory – is money. That’s part of the truth, but the core truth is much more fundamental: a failure to study and understand cure.

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A New Theory of Cure: Fundamental Concepts


Today, no medical theory nor practice has clear definitions of cure, cures, curing, nor cured, much less a comprehensive definition covering all curable types o­­f illness, sickness, and disease. This paper summarizes concepts of cure, as published in the book A New Theory of Cure. All cures are based on cause. We begin by defining and analyzing an elementary illness, having a single cause, cured by addressing that cause. These concepts are explored and expanded, creating a theory based on the two fundamental types of illness causes encompassing acute, compound, complex, repeating, and chronic cases of illness.

Theory Of Cure

Illness, Disease, and Sickness: Judgement

Each case of illness, disease, or sickness is a negative judgement by a person or community. Traditionally, an illness is what the person perceives, the patient’s view, the patient’s judgement. A disease is a medical view, what the doctor diagnoses, a medical community judgment. Sickness is a community view or judgement. Sometimes we use words like a disorder for mental illnesses or medical condition for a status, perhaps when we can’t clearly assign a disease name.

A person might have one, two, or more, possibly conflicting perceptions of their illness. Their judgements change over time, as does the illness. A single case of disease might be judged differently, medical judgements ranging from disease being present or absent and from one disease to another, when judged by different medical authorities – even more so when alternative practitioners are consulted. We each live in many communities, each having the potential to make many independent judgements of a sickness. Each of these three perspectives is related and independent. The actual illness, as well as each view of it, can change independently over time.


This text is about curable illnesses. The term used herein is illness. An illness is an intersection of present cause and consequences. It is not something we can see or touch, although we might see or touch some causes and consequences.

Cured is a positive judgement. The cure cause in each case is a judgement validated by the cure action that changed the status from ill to cured. Past and future causes are hypothetical, judged statistically, difficult to prove and rarely curative. Judgements might be right, or wrong, or partially right or wrong. However, to study illnesses and cures we must judge. A curable illness is a judgement that it can be fixed, cured, every illness being potentially curable. A cure proves curability. Incurable can never be proven. Death, many have commented, some calmly, some sarcastically, being the final cure.

Every illness is a consequence of a change. A cure is a change that converts an illness state forward to a non-illness state, rarely a change back to the previous state. Life moves forward. The simplest illness has a single cause, a change in a single aspect of healthiness. The simplest cure is to address that cause.

Health is whole. An illness is a hole in health, a hole in healthiness, a judgement that a hole exists. A cure repairs the hole, creating and improving wholeness.

It is useful to view an illness as a problem. We are familiar with solving many simple and complex problems. Problems with single causes, are easily solved. Compound problems, having multiple causes, are more difficult. Complex problems exist when one problem causes another, requiring two or more solutions, and sequencing can be important. A flat tire is a problem, the cause is usually a hole in the tire, cured by fixing the hole and re-inflating the tire. 

Elementary Illness

The illness diagram is intentionally simple.

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Doctors Know how to cure COVIDs

Doctors know how to cure COVID. Of course not every doctor knows how to cure. But many do. They also know talking about cures is forbidden. The Donald was cured, he said so himself. Trumps claims about COVID were simply dismissed and fact checkers are still active trying to figure out what he said, and what it means. His doctors? Doctors don’t use the cure word. Curing COVID is OK. Talking about it is a conspiracy theory.

Is Google your doctor? Twitter? Facebook? What about Amazon? Google has forbidden talking about COVID cures. Facebook flags every COVID cure post and every vaccine post with warnings and so-called “fact checking.” Twitter bans accounts for posts about “alleged” COVID cures. Amazon has blocked several books about treating and curing COVID. Even when COVID is cured, the cures are ignored. There are no CURED statistics. Not one. Officially, not even the Donald is cured.

When we look closely, we have many COVIDs? Most people, especially children only suffer COVID-zero. Adults often reach COVID-1. Most deaths are caused by COVID-2 or other diseases caused by the virus or the treatment. We don’t cure the patient, we cure the illness. Many cures are needed.

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How Vitamin D Cures COVID

There is plenty of discussion, with the COV-situation, about the ability of Vitamin D to to cure. To date, these arguments back and forth wage back and forth – largely without any definition of CURED.

Vitamin D Deficiency Cured

It’s not hard to define cured. It’s not hard to define cured by Vitamin D. There is no need to reference COVID. An illness with a single cause is cured when its cause has been successfully addressed. Let’s look at Vitamin D.

When our consumption of Vitamin D, or our exposure to sunshine drops, we develop Vitamin D Deficiency diseases. At first, the signs and symptoms are minor. Vitamin D deficiency is rarely diagnosed. As the damage progresses, the children can be diagnosed with rickets. Adults might be diagnosed with osteomalacia or osteoporosis.

In 1903, photobiologist Dr. Niels Ryberg Finsen won the Nobel Prize for medicine after successfully demonstrating that exposure to sunlight cured many diseases, including lupus vulgaris, or tuberculosis of the skin.” – Michael F. Holick, The Vitamin D Solution.

Vitamin D Cures

What is the cure for rickets and osteomalacia? No medicine can cure this disease. Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 19th edition says “adults with osteomalacia and children with uncomplicated rickets can be cured by giving vitamin D 40 μg (1600 IU) po once/day.” Vitamin D, the only cure, is a nutrient, contained in many foods, not a medicine. Vitamin D is not documented as a cure for Vitamin D deficiency, perhaps because it’s so obvious.

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A Letter to my Waxing Friends

I have many waxing friends. Some have spoken quietly, “I got my second wax today.” Some have posted smiling pictures of their face, or their hair free shoulder in a circle of flowers, happy, healthy images on Facebook and Instagram. When I see bragging, I fear they want me to join them. When I see the quiet ones, I fear some will get more than they signed up for. This dam emic is all about fear. That’s why we have fright checkers.

I do not fear the vid, never did. My first “two weeks being grounded” came when I was in Arequipa, Peru. I was shocked, and afraid. Not of my transgressions, of the governments. I knew immediately that two weeks was just a taste of what was, and is, to come. Two weeks became four. Shortly afterwards, soldiers arrived from Lima. Los Arequipeños were never well behaved. The bureaucrats were not amused. A few weeks later, we left for the security and safety of Canada, our home country. I never felt any immediate fear, nor fear of the vid, only fear of what the future might bring. 

I have followed and at the same time tried to avoid listening to the news. The stories and statistics were impossible to comprehend. They still are. Statistics can illuminate. But scientifically they are designed to produce more questions, than answers. When I see or hear any statistic, I try to figure out what’s missing? What are we missing?

I studied the vid, looking for cures. Most people are cured, many without a diagnosis. Cures appeared in droves and were swatted down like flies. This pattern continues today.

For months, more than a year, we have walked forward, blindly, in a tunnel ranging from numbness and fear to panic and hysteria. A friend quoted the title of a Pink Floyd song: Comfortably Numb. That describes perfectly how I feel and what I am seeing.

Then the light appeared. Waxing will save us. At first it was a faint hope, gradually growing. Quickly rushed through emergency approval. The light continues to grow. I fear it may blind our friendship. That’s why I write this letter.

I am not anti-wax.  I am not waxing-hesitant. I have been waxed many times in the past. As a traveler, I carried a wax passport, proving yellow-fever waxing, necessary to visit Brazil – although I only got as close as the middle of the river at Iguazu Falls. I am 68, at the age where I constantly need to consider a shingles wax.

I believe strongly in the basic medical right to refuse treatment. 

  • This document (The Nuremburg Code) enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.
  • A patient may refuse treatment that the healthcare provider deems to be an act of beneficence out of the principle of autonomy. In the United States, the right to refuse treatment is protected by 42 CFR § 482.13. and A patient’s autonomy is violated when family members or members of a healthcare team pressure a patient...Patient Rights And Ethics
  •  A patient has the right to refuse or to halt a medical intervention. A DECLARATION ON THE PROMOTION OF PATIENTS’ RIGHTS IN EUROPE
  •  Patients must always be free to consent to or refuse treatment, and be free of any suggestion of duress or coercion. Consent: A guide for Canadian Physicians

I am consciously exercising my rights to refuse medical treatments. I do not have the vid. I am not a patient. Maybe I’ve had an asymptomatic case, but probably not. I have been tested several times. If I do get it, a normal case will last a week or two and be over, leaving me be more immune than any waxing.

I believe in basic medical science. Scientifically, the vid waxings are new technologies, largely untested. We will not experience “one year later effects” until at least December 2021. We might not understand the total effects for decades. As a result, fully informed consent is not possible at present.

I believe in mandatory totally open monitoring and disclosure of any and all possible negative effects of any medical intervention. Let the science and the public openly analyze all claims.

Why am I writing this letter? 

Some of my friends and family have expressed concerns about meeting with me, if I am not waxed. 

I am not afraid of the vid.

If you are afraid, and afraid to be near me – let me know. I do not share your fears, but I will respect them. 

I have my own fears. I am always open to friendly handshakes and hugs.

to your health, tracy

This letter was originally published at Personal Health Freedom blog, and has been sanitized to conform to the faceless book’s fright checkers.

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