Cures are better than Preventatives

Is “prevention better than cure?” or “cure better than prevention?” Does it depend? We need a solid understanding of cure, prevention, and the differences between them.

There are two elementary types of cures and three fundamental types of preventatives.


Every cure is a transformation. There are two basic transformative cures.

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What we Know about The FLU

We know two things about COVID and one about the pandemic:  

First: We know how to cure COVID.

Our bodies know how to cure COVID, given sufficient resources – although additional assistance is usually appropriate, sometimes necessary.

Statistics, updated every day, currently show over 250 million cases RECOVERED. It’s such an embarrassment that many months ago, GOOGLE stopped reporting RECOVERED numbers, focusing instead on CASES and DEATHS. CURED? There are no statistics for COVID cured.

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The Hospital Janitor

The stranger arrived, out of breath, at the deserted clinic entrance. Sweating and extremely tired from the journey, and from his illness. He mopped his face with a handkerchief, shading his eyes from the glare, he looked at the locked doors, waiting for them to open. Discouraged and pensive, he checked his watch – it was well past the time for the clinic to open.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned around and saw a short elderly man, with a broom in his other hand. On his shirt, he wore a patch with the red cross clinic logo. Smiling, he looked at the stranger, who anxiously asked,

“Excuse me, is the hospital closed?”

“You’ve been only a short time in this country?”

“I have a disease, C–, I must be cured immediately.”

“It’s clear you don’t know what’s going on. What you should do right now is look for lodging in that inn,” the janitor pointed to a strange windowless ash colored building with the look of a prison.

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I am a Victim of Medical Apartheid

I have become a victim of medical apartheid because I refuse to submit to forced medication. I did nothing. I do not have the disease. If I did, it would pass in short order. I might be freed in heaven or hell, but not on the planet earth. 

I am not alone.  I have many friends and family members in similar circumstances. Many innocent children are also being victimized.

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My Body, my Mind, my Spirits, my Soul

My body is my temple, which I can chose to honor, to revile, to improve, or to defile. My mind holds memories of mylife body and of my ancestors. It calculates and plans my actions imperfectly based on imperfect information, ability, and memories. I have only one, mind, even when I am of two minds. Today, it is often pulled in opposing directions by friends who refuse to talk or listen to each other. As long as I am conscious, my mind is in charge of my decisions. My spirits are my intentions and life goals, changing naturally as life progresses. My soul is the essence and intersection of the three. When those three cease to be united, it leaves. To heaven, perhaps hell, or perhaps simply nowhere.

Lately, I’ve heard several variations of: “You’re not vaccinated! Why? It’s just a little prick.”

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