Where is the science of cure?
Modern medicine has specialists in hundreds of fields. Publishes journals with the latest research in neurology, cardiology, urology, hematology, and many more. It studies and publishes more general journals regarding family medicine, emergency medicine, rehabilitation and more. There are medical researchers and journals for infectious diseases, mental diseases, physical disabilities, nutritional diseases, and many more. Textbooks and reference books in each field, provide historical information and latest research findings for use by students, practitioners and researchers. Medical research studies treatments.
What medical journal covers the latest research into cures? What are the authoritative medical books about cure, that also document the history of cure? There are books claiming to cure every disease. But none have medical authority. There are books claiming to cure specific diseases. Those too have no medical authority. Cured is not defined. All claims of cures and cured are considered to be quack cures. Maybe cures are there, hidden in the current journals? No.
Cured is medically defined, and can be tested, for some infectious diseases. Cured is not defined for non-infectious diseases. There is no medical test of cured for any non-infectious disease. Cured is not defined for any chronic disease, not defined for any mental condition. Not one. Anyone who claims to cure, to have cured, or to have been cured of Alzheimer’s, arthritis, bronchitis, cancer, Chron’s, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, gout, heart disease, hypertension, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, and many, many more, is considered a quack.
Cured cannot be tested, much less proven. Most doctors in these fields refuse to use the word cure – and advise their administrative, and nursing staff to do the same. Cured is not defined for chonic diseases, not defined for mental condition.There is no test of cured for any disease cured by health. There is no cure for the common cold. It’s not because we never cure a common cold. No medicine can cure the common cold, so cured is not recognized. If you have cured your common cold, influenza, measles or mumps with health, no cure can be proven, even when cured is obvious.
We have thousands of fundraising projects claiming to “search for the cure” for many diseases. Few research studies contain a testable definition of cured. If the researchers encounter a cure, it is outside of the parameters of the study, not acknowledged or counted. There are no statistics for cured in any field of medicine. Officially, nobody studies cures.
Can we cure cancer? Can we tell when a cancer is cured? Cancer is a horribly complex disease, a collection of diseases defined by a single statement “an uncontrolled growth of cells”. Every individual case of a cancer is different. Every patient is different, living in a unique community, consuming a unique diet which changes over time, participating in unique activities. The concept of cure is also complex. A case of cancer might be simple, consisting of a single tumor, easily removed, or of a cancer that has metastasized, spreading throughout tissues and organs. A single case of cancer can cause physical damage to specific tissues or body parts or it can spread so far that it disables an organ or bodily function. How can we cure, and know that any case of cancer is cured?
How can we be certain that any non-infectious disease has been cured? Today, there is no definition of cured. We simply cannot. It’s time to define cured for every disease. The first steps are not difficult. As we progress, it will get more complex. Let’s begin.
An illness is cured when the cause has been successfully addressed. An illness is cured when healing has completed. An illness is cured when no more medicines are required.Thus, we begin a study of cure, cures, curing, and cured. This book, “Cure”, is the start of our journey. Let’s create a science of cure.
to your health, tracy
Note: The book, “CURE” is a significant update, reorganization, and edit of the content of the book A Calculus of Curing.
The book CURE is a full color edition.
A Calculus of Curing will be updated to match the content – but in a black and white print version, at a lower price. Once it has been updated, I will update this blog post and the book description on Amazon to reflect the changes.