It’s easy believe most infectious illnesses are complex, dangerous, potentially deadly and that cures are rare; that prevention is better than cure. But, no.
“Most illnesses* are elementary, trivial, having a single cause, at least in the first stages. therefore, most cures are simple, so simple that they are generally ignored.”
– A New Theory of Cure.
Can this be true? The book A New Theory of Cure explores cure from several perspectives. What is the most common infectious illness? The common cold. Colds can lead to pneumonia, which can be deadly, and everyone knows “there is no cure for the common cold.” However: I’ve had many colds. All cured.
Most colds, like most infections are trivial, cured without a medical treatment
– it has always been so.
I’ve had many other infectious diseases from minor skin infections, gum infections, ear infections, influenza, measles, even COVID. All cured. Most infections are minor, cured without ever consulting a doctor, without any medical treatment. When we do call a doctor for a normal cold or flu, it’s generally to get an excuse slip from work. No doctor treats these conditions except perhaps with advice like “take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” We only seek medical attention when the illness becomes serious or long lasting.
What happens when an Infection is Cured?
In modern medical theory cured is defined for an infectious disease cured by an approved medicine that kills the infectious agent, or a surgery that removes it. Most cases of infection – can be considered incurable (even cases that are cured) due to an absence of a definition, much less a test of cured.
“Many viruses are difficult to detect, most infections are difficult to treat, and none are cured by treatment” – Pathophysiology the Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 2019
Nonsense. Most cures are simply ignored. We have no statistics for cures – not even for diseases known to be cured medically. Nobody cares about actual cures – they are in the past. Insurance pays for treatments, regardless of their success or failure to cure. It makes no difference if the cure was caused by a doctor, a nurse, an alternative medical practitioner, a grandmother, or the patient. We ignore cures of infections, like we ignore injuries cured – and life goes on.
Once an infection is diagnosed and documented as a disease – in modern medical theory, it usually can’t be cured, even when it is cured. Cured is not medically defined for most cases of infectious diseases – no matter how trivial, or how serious they might be. A doctor might say “you’ve recovered“, rarely, if at all, “we’ve cured it.” Conventional and alternative medical practitioners alike avoid the “cure” word.
Although we have no medical or scientific studies of ALL infections, this graph is a useful representation of the frequency of different severity levels of infections.

In the Handbook of Epidemiology, S. Straif-Bourgeois et al., noted: most cases of infectious diseases are asymptomatic; fewer are symptomatic but patients don’t seek medical attention; fewer seek medical attention; fewer are diagnosed but not reported; and still fewer are reported. They don’t notice that:
- most cures of infectious diseases are not noticed; of the few that are noticed, most are not reported; most that are reported are not documented. Most cures are too simple. In actual cases, placebo effect is blamed more often than cures are credited.
Over our lifetimes, we get and cure hundreds of minor bacterial, and viral infections, without ever seeing a doctor. Even most moderate infections, like a cold that lasts more than a week, or a mild case of the flu, are never officially diagnosed, much less treated by a doctor, much less cured by one.
“The overwhelming majority of viral infections are asymptomatic or mild and do not receive medical attention.”– Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine.
“Viral particles that spread through the blood to infect other cells encounter antibodies, which in most cases cure the infection. Thus most viral infections are self-limiting.” – Pathophysiology the Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children
Most viral infections are trivial, easily cured. Their cures, being non-medical, are simply ignored. Health is the best medicine, the best preventative, the best cure. Modern medicine doesn’t study health, doesn’t study most cures.
Even though most cases of infections are never medically treated much less medically cured, most are cured, if not – we would all be dead. Our bodies, minds, spirits, and communities step up to cure them. Note: In the new theory of cure, illness – the infection – not the patient – is cured.
Some of us suffer parasitic infections like lice, not so common in our sanitized world, although WebMD says “lice happens in 6 to 12 million (US) school kids every year.” Although the World Health Organization has a disease code B82.2 for lice infections. Most lice infections are cured easily – we just don’t use the word cure. WebMD does not use the word disease, and recommends a treatment, not a cure. Johns Hopkins Medicine advises “Head lice need a human host to survive. If the hair is gone, so are head lice.” and “Your first line of defense against head lice is an over-the-counter (OTC) head lice treatment that typically comes in the form of shampoo.” We don’t need a doctor this infection. OTC medicines are sufficient.
Healthy Infections:
A few infections are actually healthy. That might seem strange, but our bodies are home to many viruses and bacteria that contribute to our healthiness. We don’t know how many, because it’s difficult to study infections that don’t cause disease. Even the word infection implies disease – even as most infections are never diagnosed as a disease. Our digestive system is a home to many bacteria, which as long as they are maintained in a healthy balance – help us to live and thrive. advises “E. coli… normally lives in the intestines of people and animals. However, some types of E. coli… can cause intestinal infection.” and “Many people with an E. coli infection make a full recovery.” Therefore, most e. coli infections are not dangerous, even of those that present some danger, most cases are simple, trivial, easily cured – so easily that we don’t use the word cure. And, it’s not always healthy to treat or cure one with a prescription medicine.
“Doctors don’t usually prescribe antibiotic medications to treat an E. coli infection. This is because of their risk of severe side effects and the buildup of antibiotic resistance, where antibiotics stop being effective against certain pathogens.” – Johns Hopkins website
The same is true of many infections. Even using a poisonous drug as a preventative measures has often been seen to have negative consequences, especially over the long term. Even as they cure, because they cure while reducing healthiness, not by improving healthiness.
Body, Mind, Spirits, Communities
We don’t just get physical infections. Sometimes we suffer mental infections – sometimes nonsense ideas take over our common sense. Psychology Today says “fundamentalist ideologies can be thought of as mental parasites” – ideas that take control of the person’s mind. We might also find many lesser mental “parasitic” ideas, ideas that infect our mind, producing good or bad behaviours. Curing a person infected by a fundamentalist ideology can be easy – when the infection is minor. We have, after all, a natural immunity to total nonsense ideas. Most exposures to such ideologies are only minor, easily cured. We only notice, only call the psychologist (or our families do), when the infection is severe and prolonged.
Our spirits, as well, might be infected with despair – or with hope. Despair seldom lasts long. Most cases are easily cured. We don’t usually view hope – as an infection, because it is a positive force. However, false hope can cause problems, and doctors are careful, perhaps sometimes too careful – about infecting patients with false hope. Even boredom – and its yawning symptoms – can be an infection passing from one spirit being to another. There are no medical cures for despair, boredom, nor for false hope. Most spirit illnesses, like all illnesses, start as minor, the cures are often trivial, easily found, once we get moving.
Modern medicines are designed to treat the body, including the brain. Events and ideas that infect our minds and spirits are simply ignored, not recognized as causes of illness – even when significant negative signs and symptoms result. If a psychologist corrects a patient’s misconceptions – and they are cured, who could recognize such an action a cure? Who could prove a cure was present?
Psychologists study the individual. Cure is undefined in dictionaries of epidemiology. At the same time, most infections of mind and spirits are minor, cured naturally, easily. So, most cures are easily ignored.
Psychiatric epidemiologists study mental illnesses caused by external stresses – environment, life events, and genetic exposures, but they don’t study infectious ideas, that come from the patient’s communities. Like other epidemiologists, psychiatric epidemiologists study past causes – but not cures.
Mind and spirit infections by negative viral ideas are not recognized as illnesses, much less officially defined as diseases. If the signs and symptoms are diagnosed as a disease, they are defined as a mental disorder – and cured is not medically defined for any mental disorder. We might recover from the signs and symptoms, but being cured is medically impossible.
Causal Infections?
We view most infections as attribute illnesses, cured by addressing the infectious agent – the physical cause of the infection. What about causal infections, infections caused not by an infectious agent, but by a life process or process failure?
When we experience deficiencies of exercise or rest, we are more prone to suffer infections. We blame the virus for our cold – even after we are clearly suffering from several “late nights,” even when the only cure is to catch up on our sleep, to allow our body, mind, spirits – and sometimes our community aspects, to recover, to be cured. In most cases, the cure comes easily when we address the cause – intentionally or not. Taking medicines? Drugs might keep us awake, but they won’t help us cure a cold caused by too many late nights. The cause is not the virus.
Chronic Infections
When someone in poor health finds themselves plagued by constant common cold infections – should we blame the virus? Or their health? Should we try to kill the virus, or to improve the patient’s healthiness?
Chronic infections have chronic causes – and the cure for the chronic infection is to address the chronic nature of the cause, not the purported infectious agent. However, cures caused by improving healthiness cannot be recognized medically. As a result, when the patient’s health improves and the chronic colds are cured, the healthy cure cannot be recognized. The colds, the chronic series of colds just disappears and, in most cases, is simply forgotten.
Infection Injuries
Some infections cause minor, or even severe injuries to our bodies, our minds, our spirits, even our communities. Injuries can lead to more infections. However, to cure, we must focus on individual illness elements. An injury caused by an infection is a secondary illness. The cold might be cured – but if we broke a tooth sneezing, that cure requires a dentist. When gangrene infects a leg, an amputation might be required to cure the infection. The missing limb might only be cured by a prosthetic or a wheelchair. No cure is perfect.
Cures are not Studied
We have hundreds of case and hundreds of cures of infection for every one treated by a doctor. We have hundreds of infections cured by medical treatments – conventional, alternative, even by interns, nurses and nursing assistants for every cure that is documented. Most cures – like the cure of a common cold, are out of sight of medical practice and theory. Even cures that occur under medical supervision are rarely documented as such. Most are trivial. The complex ones – maybe it’s not a real cure, maybe it’s just remission (also not defined medically in relation to cured).
One infection might be cured by an antibiotic, addressing the bacteria. Another might be cured by improving the healthiness of the patient, a third might require both actions.
– A New Theory of Cure.
Another might be cured by something completely different, from simple healing and rest, to a mustard poultice created by a grandmother. But these cures are not medical, so they cannot be recognized by our medical systems – even when they work.
Modern medicine suffers from cure denial. Most illnesses are minor, most cures are simple.
Health is whole.
An illness is a hole in health.
A cure fills the hole – with healthiness.
It’s time to study cure. The arts and sciences of cures, curing, and cured.
to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
Author: A New Theory of Cure
The book A New Theory of Cure explores the concepts of cure, beginning with elementary illnesses, easily cured, which when uncured can grow to more complex and compound illnesses, more difficult to cure.
* In the book A New Theory of Cure, and in this post, I take care to distinguish between illness, disease, and sickness.
- an illness is what the patient has
- a disease is what the doctor diagnoses
- a sickness is what the patient’s community sees (every patient lives in many communities with potentially many different views).