How do we find the best lawyer? We can ask around – who wins the most cases. We can even research different types of lawyers, specific to our needs, to find out who does the best work. How do we find the best builder, or architect. It’s not hard to research who builds what, and choose a good builder – specific to our needs. If we want to build a house – large or small, or an office tower, large or small, we can easily find out who builds in our area.
But let’s suppose we have a disease. Maybe you already have a disease?
Choose a disease, for this discussion. Don’t choose a disease that is easily cured by medicine, like an antibiotic, or a fungicide, any doctor can cure those. Don’t choose an injury illness, that is only cured by healing. And don’t choose a cancer disease – we could use a cancer for this exercise, but it would make the discussion more complicated.
Choose a disease, and let’s play “how to find the best doctor“. Ready?
How do we find the best doctor for our disease?
It’s easy. Look for the one who produces the most cures, of course. A lawyer does well when the case is closed in his clients favor. A builder is done when the case is closed in his clients favor. A doctor is done when the case is closed in his clients favor.
However, there are more than a few problems with this approach.
First, cures are not counted. Cures are not counted by doctor, by clinic, nor by disease. Cures don’t count. As a result, it is simply not possible to learn which doctor produces the most cures for any disease.
Therefore, it is not possible to find which doctor produces the most cures – for your disease. It is not possible to learn which doctor produces the most cures for your disease in your city. Nor is it possible to learn which doctor produces the most cures in the country – nor in the world.
What about clinics that specialize in our disease? There are specialist doctors and specialist clinics that treat many diseases. But no-one counts cures. No clinic documents and counts cures for any disease. There are no counts, and no statistics on cures for any disease by doctor, nor by clinic.
Even if we find a clinic that claims to ‘treat’ our disease, or sometimes even one that claims ‘reverse’ our disease, they don’t publish statistics. How many people did they treat? How many did they cure? We can’t find any that counts ‘cured’ for any disease, much less any than publish the counts.
Should this surprise us?
We can learn more, by researching cures for our disease, by researching the definition of ‘cured’ for any disease. There are three major medical reference books in the field of medicine: MERCK, Lange’s, and Harrison’s. Let’s do some reading. What do we learn?
Merck’s Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, does not contain a definition of the word cure. It does not contain’cure’ in the index. And, let me assure you, but feel free to check on your own, it does not list a cure for our disease. The word ‘cure’ hardly appears in MERCK, and when it does, it is not used consistently, many references to cure are actually references to ‘incurable’ or ‘cannot be cured’, with a few references to ‘cure rate’. But what is cure rate? Cure rate in simple terms is ‘cure wait’, as in ‘was it cured? wait and see’.
What about Lange’s Medical Diagnosis and Treatment? It’s the same pattern. Lange’s text does not contain a definition for cure, and cure is not in the index. There is no definition of cure for our disease. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine – same same…
Maybe we’re looking in the wrong place for a definition of ‘cure’? Maybe we should check some medical dictionaries. After all, if cure is defined in the medical dictionaries – there is no need for MERCK, Lange’s nor Harrison’s to re-define it. What do the medical dictionaries say?
The word ‘cure’ does not exist in Webster’s New World Medical Dictionary, Third Edition. Not cured, nor incurable either. Can this be true? How can we find the doctor who can cure our disease – if cure is not in the medical dictionary? Maybe Webster’s is an exception? Not actually, it’s the rule. I recently surveyed 6 medical dictionaries, and five did not contain the word ‘cure’. The word cure has disappeared from the official practice of medicine. One nurse, on reading this information, commented that her nurse training specifically advised nurses to NEVER use the word cure. Cure is the most forbidden word in modern medicine.
We can’t find the best doctor for our disease – because no doctor can claim to cure any disease.
What about alternative doctors? Well, it’s a bit of this, and a bit of that. Many alternative medical practitioners also avoid the word cure, and prefer to ‘treat’ your disease. But some others actually use the word ‘cure’. But there’s still a problem.
Cure, and cured is not defined for most diseases. Cure is only defined for diseases caused by a parasite – or for diseases that are cured by surgery and healing. Every disease of unknown cause, or caused by lack of healthiness – cannot be cured, by definition, because cured is not defined, and therefore it cannot be tested.
How can you find the best doctor for your disease? You simply cannot. You can’t find the best doctor, nor the best clinic, because the best would cure – at least some of the time, and be able to report their cures. But, because cure and cured are not defined – it is not possible to validate a cure, therefore not possible to count cures.
Why is it so hard to cure? There are many reasons:
- Cures are hard. Cures often require the patient to change their behavior.
- Cures take time. Most doctor visits are 15 minutes – or less real time with the patient.
- Textbook cures are theoretical. In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, the practice of medicine, they are not.
- Cured is not defined for most diseases. Cured cannot be proven in many cases.
- When you are cured – you disappear from the system. Cures are not counted.
- Doctors who cure are discounted, dismissed as quacks, because most doctors simply cannot cure. No one is checking the so called ‘quacks’ to learn which actually cure.
- The best cures come from health, not from medicines. The best doctors study medicine, not health.
Can we fix this? Yes we can. But we need to focus on cures, not on ‘treatments that make no attempt to cure’. We need to focus on health, not on symptoms of illness. “Illness is a hole in your health” – the Healthicine Creed. You can only fill it with health, not with medicines.
to your health, tracy