To cure illness, we must study the elements of illness. There are three basic elements: illness, injury, and blockage as illustrated in this diagram.
Illness Element: an active element of illness consists of a cause and its consequences – the signs and symptoms of the illness. The cause might be internal or external.
A causal illness element is cured by addressing the cause. This is a causal cure. There are no other cures for an illness with an active cause.
Injury Illness: As an illness progresses, or if it is not cured, it might cause an injury illness. Injuries can also be caused by other internal or external factors.
Injury illness elements are cured by healing. Healing is a process of growth, that is always active before, during, and after an illness. Healing progresses independent of cause, independent of illness or disease, and independent of causal cures. Healing often benefits from medical treatments, intervention, or assistance. Healing is seldom, if ever, perfect.
Attribute Illness: When healing cannot completely resolve the damage of an injury, a negative attribute, perhaps a blockage or leakage might occur. As with causal illnesses and injuries, a negative attribute might also come from other internal or external factors.
Attribute illnesses elements are cured by transformation.
If a negative attribute cannot be transformed, then it exists a disability, a handicap, or sometimes a natural attribute of life and of health.
The serenity gap is the distance between a negative attribute and a disability, as in the serenity prayer:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
A negative attribute has the potential to be changed, to be transformed, to be cured. A disability cannot be cured. The gap between negative attribute and disability depends on our ability to change, and our ability to believe that we can make the change.
Congestion: Blockages and leakages, when not addressed, lead to congestion. Congestion is not an illness, because it does not have an active cause that can be addressed to prevent or cure. Congestions are not cured, they can only be cleared, or not. Congestion can have other internal or external causes. When the cause of congestion is not addressed, the symptoms of congestion will reappear after clearing. For example, if congestion is caused by a blockage, and the cleared, but the blockage is not also transformed, the congestion will reappear.
Cause An illness element is defined as having a single cause, a single chain of causes, which might come from an internal or an external source. Each individual cause can be expanded to a chain of causes, by asking “what is the cause of this cause?” and when a new cause is found, asking again, and again. Sometimes we can learn more by asking “what are the direct consequences of this cause, before the illness appears?“. One more important question that is key to understanding a chain of causes is “How is the patient benefiting from this cause?” Many causes exist and persist because they provide benefit, or are perceived as providing benefit to the patient.
The illness is cured, stopped, when the causal chain is broken, when the cause is addressed. The cause has been addressed when the illness is cured. Successfully addressing any cause in the chain, if the chain has been correctly identified, will cure the illness.
There are no ‘root causes’, only ‘cure causes’. Any cause that leads to a cure is a cure cause.
Complex Illness
A complex illness contains two or more elements of illness, causal illness, injury illness and blockage illness, with a single cause. A complex illness requires a cure for each illness element.
For complex illnesses, the first cure is to address the cause. The second cure is to heal the damage, the third to transform the negative attributes that resulted from illness and from healing. It is possible, sometimes necessary to work on elemental cures out of sequence, or at the same time. However, cures can seldom be completed out of sequence, because the prior illness is a cause, and the illness will recur.
Compound Illness
Many diseases are compound, consisting of several illness elements, possibly several types of illness elements, each with unique chains of causes, resulting in similar diagnoses.
Each component of a compound illness can require a unique set of cures, based on the individual causes. Every cure is individual.
Every cure is an anecdote.
Hierarchy of Illness
The hierarchy of healthicine is also a hierarchy of life and of health. It is also useful to view the hierarchy of illness. An illness can exist in a single cell, the simplest life form. A single cell might have an illness with a single cause, that causes an injury, that is healed, but leaves a blockage, resulting in congestion.
An illness might exist in a bodily tissue, independent of the cells comprising the tissue. A tissue is a layer of life above individual cells. A tissue might have an illness cause that is not a cause of cellular illnesses, that leads to tissue injury, which heals and leaves a tissue blockage, resulting in congestion in the tissue. In the same manner, a limb, or an organ, or an organ system might have a simple or compound illness.
An illness can be based in an organ, an organ system, or in the body. This is the common view of much of today’s medical practice. It is sometimes a useful view, sometimes not so useful. The illness of the body, like that of a cell, or that of a tissue might begin with a cause, or as an injury or a blockage, caused by an internal or external factor.
An illness might also arise in the mind, or the spirit, or even the community aspects of a life entity, from internal or external causes. An illness might result in damage to the mind, or to the spirit, or to the community aspects of the patient, which when healing is not perfect, results in a negative attribute – leading to congestion, and possibly even a new illness.
Illness can cause injuries, injuries can cause negative attributes and negative attribute illnesses. Illness, injuries and attribute illnesses can cause congestion. Illness, injuries, attribute illnesses and congestion might cause a new illness. Illnesses, injuries, attribute illnesses and congestion can also be a result of internal or external causes that might reside in the cells, the tissues, the organs, organ systems, body, mind, spirit, or community of a living entity.
Each illness, while not cured, can lead to the next in the circle – from illness to injury, to attribute illness and to more illness.
At first it looks like a circle, with no escape. But there are escape routes at every illness element: cures.
Addressing the cause cures illness,
healing cures injuries,
transformation of cause cures attribute illnesses,
clearance releases congestion, but it is still necessary to cure the cause of the congestion.
Many diseases are compound illnesses, consisting of multiple causes with similar or overlapping signs and symptoms. Thus, most diseases consist of a number of illness elements, often including all types of illness (causal, injury, and attribute) in a single disease. Most diseases are incurable by medicines – the exceptions being diseases that can be mapped to simple illness elements, which are curable with a medicine. Attriubte illnesses are often cured by medical treatments, conventional or alternative, that transform the blockage.
Chronic Illnesses
Chronic illnesses have at least two causes, the cause, and the chronic nature of the cause. Sometimes, the cause does not result in illness unless it is chronic. Obesity is not caused by eating, but by chronic unhealthy eating.
Chronic causes are causes that persist over time. Cures for chronic illnesses must address not just the cause, but also the chronic nature of the cause. This does not mean they are impossible, however, No medicine can cure chronic diseases, because no single medicine can address both elements of a chronic illness.
Curing can be complex and often difficult. The serenity prayer applies to every element of every illness, to every disease, and to every cure. If we think we can, we can cure. If we think we cannot, we are right.
Partial Cure
A partial cure exists for each type of illness element. A causal illness element might be partially cured if the cause can only be partially addressed. A causal injury element might be judged to be partially cured when healing stops, but is considered insufficient. An attribute illness element might be only partially transformed to healthiness, resulting in a partial cure.
Remission vs New Illness
When an illness is cured, it often occurs again. This is natural, and should be expected in many cases. Illnesses arise from the life situation of the patient, and the cause can easily occur again. Is this a remission, or a new illness?
An illness has been cured when the cause has been addressed. If the cause occurs again, it is a new illness. If the symptoms were masked or hidden, but the cause was not addressed, it is a remission.
Curing a chronic illness requires not just addressing the cause, but also addressing the chronic nature of the cause. When the cause, and the chronic nature of the cause have been successfully addressed, there is a cure. When a cure exists, any new occurrence is a new illness, not a ‘remission’. We should not confuse remission of cause with remission of illness. Remission of cause results in a new case of illness.
The importance of judgement: Every illness is a negative judgement. Every identification of cause is a judgement. Every cure is a judgement. This is a reality of illness, causes, and cures.
to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
Post Updated: September 25, 2017
Updated: July 31, 2018