A Calculus of Curing is a definition of cure, clearly identifying the three basic types of illnesses that can be cured, their causes, and the actions necessary to cure. This is not a book about curing cancer, or arthritis, dementia or any other disease. It is book about cure, about replacing a failing “treatment” paradigm with an effective cure paradigm.
I recently published the book A Calculus of Curing on Amazon.
I need feedback. I believe all feedback is positive, even negative feedback. If you provide some feedback, I will place your name in the updated edition. I believe this book is an important step to understanding cures. It also, of course, has room for improvements. I want to make it better with your ideas, your input.
I need your input.
In exchange for your input, I will provide you a free copy of A Calculus of Curing. If you are interested in receiving a copy, email me: tracychess@hotmail.com. I have a limited number of copies available for free. Tell me a bit about yourself, and your interest.
About the Book:
If you search all the medical dictionaries in the world today, you will not find a consistent definition of cure, cures, curing, nor cured. There is also no consistent definition of incurable, remission, reoccurrence, or even disease. All current practices of medicine, conventional and alternative, suffer this deficiency.
If cured is not defined, how can we find cures? Cured is not defined for most diseases. Do you wonder why there are so many claims of cures that are ignored by conventional medicine? Why doesn’t conventional medicine test these claims? Why are all chronic diseases “incurable”? If cured is defined, it doesn’t make sense, but cured is not defined.
There are no tests for cured for most diseases. Two years ago, I discovered that many medical dictionaries do not define the word cure. That no authoritative medical reference book contains a definition of cure nor cured for any disease. That many, perhaps most medical doctors refuse to use the word cure, and advise and train their staff to do the same.
A Calculus of Curing began as a research project to search out and analyze every definition of cure I could locate. I searched dictionaries and medical dictionaries from 200 years ago to up to date versions. I searched medical texts, alternative medical texts, and many more. I came to the conclusion that – although everyone understands cure intuitively – no one has written down a clear definition of cure.
So I wrote one. I need your assistance to help validate it and to improve it.
If you are interested in learning more about the book A Calculus of Curing, check out some of my blog posts:
The Natural Processes and Progressions of Illness and Disease
How to Cure any Disease: A Calculus of Curing
Putting Cure Back into Medicine
Of course, if you prefer, and you want to support my mission, you can purchase a copy at
To get a free copy, email something about yourself and your interests at tracychess@hotmail.com
to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine