An illness consists of a set of present causes and the negative consequences of those causes, the signs and symptoms of the illness. Causes, in themselves are not an illness. They might not be causing any illness. Consequences, negative signs and symptoms, might be perceived as an illness, or might be several illnesses. An illness cannot be a cured and known to be cured without knowledge of its causes.

A curable illness is an illness that can be cured. It is cured by addressing its present causes.
An elementary illness, or an illness element, has a single present cause responsible for the negative consequences, the signs and symptoms of illness. When that cause is successfully addressed, the negative consequences, the signs and symptoms are no longer present, the illness is no longer present. The illness element has been cured. Most illnesses begin as illness elements. Most illness elements are trivial, easily cured, and therefore not judged as illnesses, much less judged as cured.
An elementary cure is an action. or set of actions, that successfully address the cause of an illness element, such that its negative signs and symptoms no longer occur.
Addressing a single cause to cure an illness element might be a natural, or unnatural, intentional or unintentional, easy, simple, or complicated and difficult action. An illness element might be cured by a single action, or it might only be cured by an ongoing series of actions.
The cause of an illness element might be an attribute, a thing, a noun, or it might be a process, a verb. An attribute cause creates an attribute illness element. A process cause creates a causal illness element.
When the cause of an illness element is an attribute, a one-time cure action transforms the attribute such that it no longer causes the negative consequences. Any causal attribute might be transformed in many ways, some of which cure the illness. When present, every curable attribute illness element might have many possible curative transformations. Once cured, there was only one cure.
When the cause of an illness element is a process, an ongoing cure action transforms the process cause such that it no longer causes the negative consequences. Any causal process might be transformed in many ways, some of which cure the illness. When present, every curable causal illness element has many possible positive or negative curative processes. Once cured, there was only one cure.
The cause of an elementary illness might be the presence, absence, harmony or disharmony, of an attribute or process of diet, body, mind, spirits, communities, or environments. The cure is to address the cause.
Once an illness element has been cured, if the cause occurs again, a new case of illness might result.
When a set of negative signs and symptoms has two or more present causes, a compound illness is present. A compound illness might have both attribute and process causes, each of which are creating the elements of the same illness. Curing a compound illness requires the successful addressing of each of its causes. Addressing a single cause cures only a single element of the illness. If addressing a single cause cures the illness, it was an elementary illness, not a compound illness.
When one present illness is causing other illnesses, a complex illness is present, consisting of the primary illness and the secondary illnesses caused by the primary illness. Curing the secondary illness is often only temporary because the cause, the primary illness, might create a new case of secondary illness. A complete cure of a complex illness requires cures for both the primary illness and its secondary illness consequences.
Any curable illness or disease consists of a set of curable illness elements which require a corresponding set of cures.
to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure
- This post is based on the concepts explored in the book A New Theory of Cure and the paper Theory of Cure – 2023 Update, the products of an extended study of the concepts of cure, cures, curing, and cured.
- Most diseases cannot be diagnosed until multiple elements are present. Most diseases are compound illnesses, having multiple causes, and requiring multiple cures.
- Incurable is not defined and probably cannot be defined scientifically because it cannot be proven in any individual case.