Have you noticed that there are thousands of books that claim to cure? Have you noticed that our medical establishment dismisses most of them, and refuses to support any of them? How can this be? Why does it happen?
The problem is simple. Cure is not defined in medicine. A further complication comes from the word cure, and how cure is defined outside of the field of medicine. There are two fundamentally opposing definitions of cure – often confused and mixed without awareness.
- When many people think of a cure, they believe in a ‘cure’ as the end of an illness, where medicine is no longer required.
- However, cure is also defined by many dictionaries as any treatment for an illness, with little respect for effectiveness. As a result, there are many books about ‘cure’ that are actually about treatments which make no attempt to cure.
Most books about curing illness do not use the word ‘cure’ in the title nor in the contents. The word cure is often forbidden in medicine, with the common belief that cures are miracles – and we cannot study miracles with science.
So how can we find books that cure? My local library lists 297 books about diabetes, ranging from Fun To Know facts about Diabetes, to Yoga for Diabetes, to The American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes which offers “offers expert advice to diabetics on living an active, healthy life“, but no cure. Are there any books in my library that advise how to cure diabetes? Yes. I’ve found one. And it takes quite a bit of work to find it. Of course if you find it, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can cure ‘your diabetes’ – any more than finding a book about building a house means you can ‘build your house’. But if you don’t find it, your chances of a cure are much lower – modern medicine incorrectly believes that diabetes is an incurable disease.
If you want to cure your illness, you need more than a book. First, you need to understand what is meant by cure. You might also need some help. Many of the books that cure are supported by doctors and organizations that can help you cure your illness. You are not alone with your illness.
Cure and causal cure are defined in healthicine thus:
Cure: n. A cure is the end of an illness.
Causal cure: v. To bring about the end of an illness by addressing the cause.
Illness: n. An illness is a negative condition, consisting of a cause, which might be in the body, the mind, the spirit, or the community of the patient, and the consequences, signs and symptoms, which affect the body, the mind, the spirits and the communities of the patient.
Cures: There are four distinct types of cures: curing, healing, transformation, and prevention.
You can find a more detailed definition of healthicine cure here, and a deeper explanation of causal cures here.
In this post, I list a number of books I have encountered over the years that describe cures for many illnesses – although the word cure is seldom used. I will expand this post over time – and I encourage you to make comments and suggestions.
Books that Cure
Type 1: Curing
Type 1 cures are accomplished by addressing the cause of the illness. An illness that is active, or progressive, has an active cause. An illness that is chronic also has a chronic cause, the chronic nature of the active cause. Type 1 cures – in general, work by making the patient healthier, and the illness fades away. The approach of these books, in many cases, is like a shotgun, many different techniques are used at once, to improve the health of the patient. It may be possible in most cases, to cure the illness with less effort – depending on the individual case and lifestyle.
Remember, improving healthiness can be hard work because it can require many changes. A coach, a mentor, or a buddy can be critical to your success..
Type 1 Cures
Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Ramiel Nagel and Timothy Gallagher
This is the first book I ever encountered that uses ‘cure’ in the title – and actually advises how to cure in the contents. It is often shunned or dismissed for that reason alone. A book about curing illnesses of the teeth, gums, and mouth, that pulls no punches. These illnesses are cured by health, by healthy foods and by healthy eating exercises.
I’ve listed Cure Tooth Decay as a Type 1 Cure, and also as a Type 2 Cure, because it addresses illness by cause in a way that also promotes healing. I highly recommend this book to anyone as a starter for learning about cures and about dental health.
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Kelly A. Turner PhD (Author)
Kelly A Turner’s research has led her t study thousands of people who ‘put their cancer into remission’ (because ‘cured’ is not defined for cancer, and cannot be proven). She found nine key factors to cure cancer, although she does not use the word cure. The nine principles are all techniques designed to improve healthiness. Improving healthiness in nine different ways, is a shotgun technique, addressing many possible causes of illness at once, and is a general technique that can be used to cure many different illnesses, not just cancers.
A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives by Kelly Brogan, M.D., Kristin Loberg
A book about curing depression, which is often classified as ‘incurable’ by the medical systems. Kelly, like most authors, avoids the word ‘cure’, but many of her case studies are clearly cures. Depression is cured using a shotgun technique, with many actions at once to improve the healthiness – physical, mental, spiritual and community, of the patient. Depression fades away when healthiness rises.
Added June 16, 2017:
The Bloat Cure: 101 Natural Solutions for Real and Lasting Relief
The bloat cure is a book discussing, one short article at a time, 101 different causes, 101 different types of ‘bloat illness’. Inside the book, the word cure is seldom used, although I am certain the book can help people to cure their bloat in many cases. The actual cure referenced twice in the book is a shotgun technique to improve the health of the patient, which in many cases will also cure the bloat – if it is caused by one of the items addressed by the shotgun technique. Unfortunately the book is presented in alphabetical sequence by cause, making it very difficult to use as a DIY cure source.
I recently reviewed this book in detail, from a healthicine cure perspective, and you can read the review here.
Type 2: Healing
There are few books about healing, but our bodies, minds, spirits, and communities are very experienced in healing themselves. Healing is often confused with curing. There are lots of books in this field, but it is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. In general, a book that promotes healing by promoting and improving healthiness has more value than one that recommends prayer or smelling aromatic oils. Of course prayer and scented oils can be useful, but I believe there is more value in a direct approach to health and healing.
Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Ramiel Nagel and Timothy Gallagher
This book presents the important concept, that healing comes from health. Ramiel Nagel emphasizes that the way to heal cavities is to improve health, not just of the teeth, not just of the mouth, but of the entire body. This book should be a model followed by many more books about illness, curing, and healing. Unfortunately, because Ramiel Nagel is selling health, not medicine, the material is widely ignored by the market driven medical establishment.
It is interesting to note that most other books about healing are about illnesses of the mind, the spirits, or the community, as if physical illnesses can heal without assistance from our consciousness. Thus, we have books like:
The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship by Alexander Loyd (Author), Ben Johnson (Contributor)
The Healing Code is a technique or healing the spirit, which then affects and has potential to heal the mind, the body, and even the community.
Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Author), David Perlmutter M.D. (Foreword)
A book that aims to cure the body, mind, and spirit, by improving healthiness. Like most authors, Mercola avoids the stigma of the word ‘cure’, speaking instead of ‘healing’.
Type 3 Cures: Transformation
Transformation is the only way to cure a blockage illness. It is unfortunate that there is no coordination in the field of medicine on this valuable field of curing – and as a result most doctors are barely aware of it as a medical concept. Blockage illnesses are often ignored by the medical establishment, or treated with symptomicines (painkillers) because the concepts of blockage are not well studied. At the same time, hospital rehabilitation centres are familiar with many techniques, but avoid using the word ‘cure’. Physical blockage illnesses are often diagnosed, treated, and cured by osteopaths, chiropractors and other alternative practitioners – sometimes even massage therapists, without using the word cure. Mental and spiritual blockage illnesses can be cured by priests and psychologists – and by even good friends (or good enemies) who cure with a whack on the side of the head. Community blockage illnesses can sometimes only be cured by dissolving the community.
The Pain Cure RX Dr Mitchell Yass : Diagnosing and Resolving Chronic Pain
Describes how to diagnose and resolve many cases of chronic pain, without using the word ‘cure’ in the text. I suspect that it is acceptable to tell people how to ‘resolve’ chronic pain, but not tell them how to ‘cure’ chronic pain. Note: Dr Yass does not acknowledge the simple fact that a chronic illness has a chronic cause.
Is the book about cure? Actually, yes. The book is about curing blockages of muscles, tendons, and connective tissues.
The Body Has Its Reasons, by by Therese Bertherat and Carol Bernstein.
A book about physical and mental disabilities and blockages, how they are created and released. A very interesting read, however I suspect few people will use it to cure ‘their illness’, as it is directed at an audience of practitioners, not patients.
Pain Free by Peter Egoscue,
Challenging to read front to back if you are trying to understand it all. This book is recommended by many physical therapists for chronic pain illnesses. Readers with chronic pain are advised to find the section that relates to their specific problem and only read and do the exercises in that part.
Somatics by Thomas Hanna
Somatics is, to my reading, a further exploration, better written extension of the concepts presented in Peter Egoscue’s books Pain free. Thomas Hanna provides teaching in the concepts of Somatics, so that others can learn from his knowledge and experience. This is a field of medicine, and a cure book that should be on every doctor’s shelf, but it requires touching the patient, something most doctors avoid. It doesn’t cure with medicines or surgery, and as a result, modern medicine tends to ignore it.
The above four books (above) present similar concepts and cures for physical blockages and disabilities. In each case, the author did their own work, and it appears there is little cooperation or coordination between practitioners of these types of cures. Pity.
Paradox and Healing: Medicine, Mythology and Transformation by Micheal Greenwood
Paradox and Healing is about transformations, or breakthroughs in chronic illness. It is a very interesting book that looks at illness and cures (although the word cure is seldom used) in refreshingly new ways.
The title, and the book mixes transformation with ‘healing’ and there is actually little in the book about healing. Most, possibly all references to the word ‘healing’ in the text are actually references to transformation. Healing can be the cause of a blockage, requiring a transformation to cure, and then healing occurs after transformation.
Type 4 Cures: Prevention
The Exercise Cure – Jordan Metzl
This book presents a powerful preventative cure, exercise. The word cure appears in the title, but I don’t think it appears at all in the text, as is common for books that cure. It is a book that advises us to prevent (cure) illness by improving healthiness. I’m all for that concept.