Have you ever been cured? Were you cured by a medicine? or perhaps not?
Can you name a disease that can be cured, but cannot be cured with medicines? Can you name two? Five? More? How many diseases are there that are easily cured – but cannot be cured by medicines?
What is a disease? What is a medicine? Are medicines defined by the diseases they treat?
What is a cure?
A cure is the end of an illness.
There are many definitions of disease – and many definitions of medicine. For this post, I will use a very simple clear definition of disease, and a the clear legal definition of a drug or medicine.
Disease: a medical condition that can be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Bacterial infection, cancer, arthritis, Parkinson’s, hypertension, depression, COVID, the common cold.
Medicine: something approved for marketing to treat a disease, recognized as a drug by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Cancer, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, depression, the common cold, and many other diseases have symptoms that can be ‘treated’ with medicines. But, according to current medical textbooks, none can be ‘cured’.
Can we name a disease that CAN be cured by medicines? Many bacterial infection, viral infections, fungal infections and parasitic infections can be cured by medicines that kill the infecting agent. Notice the keyword “
infection.” Can we name a non-infectious disease that can be cured by a medicine? No, we cannot. Cured is not medically defined for any non-infectious disease.
Some claim that multivitamins and supplements are ‘
no better than a placebo‘. Can multivitamins and supplements actually cure any diseases? How many diseases can be cured by vitamins or supplements?
Scurvy is severe deficiency of Vitamin C. The only cure for scurvy is a healthy diet, containing sufficient Vitamin C. We can cure scurvy with oranges, lemons, limes – and many other foods containing Vitamin C. We can treat scurvy, according to medical science with Vitamin C, ascorbic acid supplements. But we can’t cure scurvy with medicines. Treating it with medicines ignores the cause, allowing the disease to grow in severity, to kill the patient.
Scurvy can only be cured by healthicines, not by medicines. Vitamin C is a healthicine. It comes from nature in many foods. It is not a medicine that fights our disease – it is a healthicine, creating and improving healthiness. When Vitamin C is deficient, our health drops steadily to the point where we can be diagnosed with a disease, scurvy. In some cases, if our Vitamin C deficiency is extreme and over long periods, damage to bones and teeth can be so severe that they cannot be healed – even with the best healthicines and medicines.
Vitamin C is also the only preventative for scurvy. Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C, we cannot prevent it by taking medicines, nor by taking multivitamins that do not contain Vitamin C. Health is the best preventative.

Is Vitamin C a nutrient – when we get enough, and a medicine when we are deficient? If we have scurvy, or other symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency – do oranges and lemons, spinach, broccoli and tomatoes suddenly become a medicine? No, they are healing foods: healthicines.
Using this model, we can find many other diseases that cannot be cured by medicines, that can only be cured by healthicines.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness so severe that it cannot be cured. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to many other health issues, symptoms, and diseases. However, when we catch it early, if we develop a curable night blindness due to a Vitamin A deficiency. It is cured with Vitamin A. We can’t cure it with a medicine. We can only cure it with a Vitamin A supplement, or foods that contain Vitamin A.
But the disease
night blindness not that simple. There are different types of night blindness. Night blindness can have many different causes, from genetics and aging, poisons or toxins (including medicines), Vitamin deficiencies, and potentially many other causes. Night blindness can only be cured by Vitamin A – if it was caused by a Vitamin A deficiency. We might, for example, treat 20 cases of night blindness with Vitamin A, and cure 4 of them, but not rest. When we study causes – instead of diseases – the cured cases are obvious. The cure, not the diagnosis, proves the cause.
Vitamin A illustrates to another class of diseases that cannot be cured with medicines. Vitamin A is toxic. When we consume too much Vitamin A, we develop many symptoms of Vitamin A toxicity, which can result in headaches, drowsiness, irritability, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, peeling skin – and even death.
The solution to Vitamin A toxicity? Stop consuming so much Vitamin A. Medicines can’t help – only healthy actions.
Now we can see that there are hundreds, possibly even thousands of diseases that cannot be cured by ‘patent medicines’, but can only be cured by healthicines, or by healthy actions.
Each of the vitamins has one or more corresponding diseases that result when they are deficient, and other illnesses (not all are classed as diseases) that result when excessive amounts are consumed. There are 13 clearly recognized vitamins. Each of the diseases caused by deficiency, or by excesses of vitamin consumption, cannot be cured by medicines – they can only be cured by more, or less of the foods containing the vitamins – by healthy actions.
Vitamins are essential nutrients. There are many other nutrients essential to the health of humans.
There are two essential fatty acids, and a few more that are ‘conditionally essential’. When we are deficient, we develop symptoms and diseases of fatty acid deficiency. These symptoms and diseases can only be treated with foods containing the fatty acids – medicines cannot cure. There are also diseases of fatty acid excess or imbalance.
There are nine essential amino acids, or proteins, and six more that are conditionally essential to health and freedom from disease. Symptoms and diseases resulting from protein deficiencies cannot be treated by medicines, only by foods. Excess protein consumption has been linked to kidney disease, cancers, and osteoporosis.
There are fifteen dietary minerals essential to health. A deficiency of any of these minerals will gradually result in symptoms followed by diseases that cannot be cured by medicines. Only foods, or supplements containing these minerals – can cure these illnesses.
How many other foods are essential to health? We’re not sure. We need water, which does not fit into any of the above categories. A deficiency of water leads to the disease of dehydration, which can only be cured by consuming water. An excess of water can lead to water toxicity – which can lead to death.
There is uncertainty about the total number of essential nutrients – and there is also little science about how our needs for different essential nutrients might change as we grow from a baby to an octogenarian.
In summary, there are at least 40 essential nutrients. Some estimates range to over 100 nutrients essential to health. Deficiencies in any of these nutrients leads to diseases that can be cured – but not by medicines.
There is another complete class of diseases that cannot be cured by medicines. We can go back to Vitamin A. An excess of Vitamin A is toxic. It can cause severe symptoms, disease – even death. An excess of many of the essential nutrients can result in symptoms, diseases and death. Even water can cause disease and death in excess.
Diseases caused by excess – even those caused by excesses of essential nutrients – cannot be cured by medicines. There are also hundreds – thousands, perhaps millions of toxic chemicals in our foods and our environment. In many cases, these chemicals cause diseases with a name, that can be diagnosed – lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, chlorine poisoning – and many more.
There are many toxic chemicals that cause minor, or even severe symptoms – without the severity of a ‘diseases’. Most medicines are toxic. Most medicines have ‘side effects’, many of which are symptoms of toxicity- that can lead to disease or death. However, side effects, are rarely categorized as diseases, even when they kill. The symptoms of these diseases might be ‘treated’ by more, different medicines – and often are. But these illnesses can only be cured by removing the toxic chemicals from our food and from our bodies.
When a toxic chemical is consumed or encountered on an ongoing basis, even in low amounts, the result can be a chronic disease. This chronic disease cannot be cured by medicine – it can only be cured, if it can be cured, by removing the contact with the toxic chemical. In some cases, where the toxic chemical has built up in our bodies – it may be necessary to consume a food, or a medicine, that helps to remove the toxic chemical.
Our list of diseases that can be cured, but not by medicines, continues to grow. There are clearly hundreds, possibly thousands of diseases that can be cured – but not by medicines. Some are cured by healthicines, others are cured by healthy actions of restraint.
There are more, we don’t know how many more, diseases that can be cured by health, but not by medicines.
When we have a minor deficiency of a single nutrient, we might suffer from some symptoms, but not enough to be diagnosed a as disease. In these cases – as in deficiency diseases – there is no medicine that can ‘cure’ our symptoms. The only cure for our symptoms is to consume required nutrient.
What about diseases are caused by several minor nutrient deficiencies acting at once? Today’s nutritional science operates, for the most part, using a reductionist methodology, studying one nutrient or toxin at a time. But health is whole. Our bodies and our health are not reductionist – they are holistic. When we are missing, or have a minor deficiency in several essential nutrients – we might suffer symptoms that are hard to understand. We might be diagnosed with a disease where the causes are difficult, almost impossible, to identify.
There are many diseases that are diagnosed without identification of the cause. Cancers, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and many more are diseases without a known cause. It is a failure of medicine that medical textbooks, medical science, has not developed techniques to identify the causes in individual cases, to work towards actually curing the disease. Instead, medical textbooks and medical authorities recommend treating the symptoms, when causes are not understood.
What about mind, spirit, and community diseases, like depression? Depression can be caused by many things. It can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, caused by skipping meals and lots of sugary snacks – medicines can’t help. But healthy food can. Solitary confinement can cause and exacerbate depression – should we be surprised? If our depression is caused by social isolation, taking medicines can’t make it better.
Hugs can cure. We might get better results by going out to a blues music bar, listening to someone else complain about their problems in song, and getting up to dance anyway.
Most diseases with unknown causes are chronic diseases. This fits perfectly with the types of disease that are caused by ongoing nutrient deficiencies or toxicities. Nutrient deficiencies and ongoing toxicities can be slight, with damage accumulating gradually, over long periods of time.
How many chronic diseases are caused by minor multiple nutrient deficiencies? We don’t know. How many chronic diseases are caused by long term, minor multiple toxic excesses? We don’t know that either. How many diseases are caused by combinations of minor multiple nutrient deficiencies and minor multiple toxic excesses? We have no idea.
Each of these diseases are caused by unhealthiness, and can only be cured by healthy actions, not by medicines. Each of these diseases can only be prevented by healthy actions, healthicines, but not by medicines. Medicines might prevent the symptoms, but cannot prevent the disease.
How many diseases can be cured, but not by medicines? We don’t know, but we can name hundreds, possibly thousands – and even more symptoms caused by nutrient deficiencies, and by nutrient and toxic excesses.
How many diseases are identified as incurable by medicine today? Thousands. The ICD, the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases and related medical conditions, has over 70,000 entries. Most are considered incurable. What happens when a cure occurs? What happens when a case of cancer, depression, hypertension, obesity, or even scurvy is cured? Nothing. Nobody cares. Cures are not counted. Cures don’t count. No doctor dares claim to cure – they would be called a quack. No medical clinic, hospital, or medical system keeps track of cures. We have no statistics for diseases cured.
How many are cured with health? We simply don’t know. Our medical systems don’t care to know. Health treatments are not billable. Medical systems (often marketed as
health systems, ignore healthy cures because they ignore all cures.
In many cases, we don’t know because we are busy searching for a medicine to cure a disease that cannot be cured with a medicine.
A healthicine is an action that increases our health. A medicine is something that fights our disease. Vitamin C, essential nutrients and water are healthicines. They don’t
fight disease, they
improve healthiness and disease disappears. Antibiotics and painkillers are medicines. But what about green medicines, natural medicines? Natural medicines can be healthicines, or medicines, or sometimes both – because natural medicines are not simple.
Our medical sciences cannot distinguish between healthicines and medicines. When we attempt to treat a disease without finding the cause, we usually reach for an approved medicine. However, approved medicines cannot improve healthiness and most cannot cure any disease.
What happens if we attempt to treat a disease that can only be cured with health – with a medicine? It gets continues to grow. In some cases it gets worse, even while the patient ‘feels better’. The medicine might be a success, as the patient’s health continues to deteriorate.
To find cures, we need to search for health, and for healthicines, rarely for medicines.
to your health, tracy
I have had mumps, measles twice, dozens of colds, the flu a few times, and COVID. All are cured. None were cured with a medicine.