Yesterday, I noted that even though 15.5 million people have recovered from COVID, there are no official numbers of people cured. How can that be, is it really so hard to cure COVID, or are we missing something? This diagram shows the potential stages of COVID taken from the book: COVID-19 from Causes to Cures.
A SARS-CoV-2 infection can range from asymptomatic (not a disease and therefore not shown in the above diagram) to a minor infection, to a disease causing injuries that need to be healed, to a stage where the patient is unable to heal without external – usually medical attention – to causing disabilities and possibly death. Let’s look at each stage.
Asymptomatic COVID-19
We don’t know what percentage of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, because there are no symptoms – so there are no statistics. Some tests of large communities indicate that asymptomatic cases might be the majority in a population. Most cases in children, for example, are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic cases can’t be cured, because there is no disease to cure.
SARS-CoV-2 Infections
The first sign of COVID-19 is an infection of the virus. This is the first stage of disease. Because the tests for COVID are actually tests for infection, it is possible to cause an increase in the number of disease cases by testing – because the tests can show asymptomatic cases as disease cases. COVID infects cells, but we measure the infection in the nasal passages, in the lungs, and in other organs. All animals can encounter many infections throughout their lives. Infections are normally cured by health – asymptomatic infections are actually cured by health. We human animals have created some medicines that fight infections which cannot be cured by the patient’s natural healthiness, although so far, there are no medicines proven to cure SARS-CoV-2 infections.
COVID-19 Injuries
COVID-19 is the disease caused by a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Conventional medicine doesn’t usually recognize a disease until it becomes so severe that it causes injuries. Why not? Most medicines are dangerous, many are very toxic. If the patient’s health is likely to cure the infection effectively, adding a medicine can increase risk. Even when the disease is diagnosed, many patients are sent home to heal naturally, without medicines, if the case is not severe. If it heals naturally, it’s not counted as a cure – because there was no medical cure.
COVID-19 Inabilities
An inability, in the healthicine view, is an injury that cannot be healed (cured) naturally without medical assistance. Patient’s might be put into the hospital, monitored, possibly given mechanical assistance to breathe. However, injuries are not actually cured by the medical assistance, even if medical assistance is required. So when these patients recover, when their healthiness recovers and cures their injuries – they are not counted as cured.
COVID-19 Disabilities
Sometimes, a case of COVID-19 causes permanent injuries, which become disabilities. These can include permanent damage to the lungs – COPD, or to the spirit PTSD, that our current medical systems cannot cure. Because they cannot be cured medically, the can’t be counted as cured. In most cases, these are not classed as part of the COVID-19 disease, and if they are cured at sometime in the future, it is not considered a COVID-19 cure.
COVID-19 Deaths
Death cannot be cured, so patients who die from COVID-19 are not cured and not counted as cured.
COVID-19 Cured?
So… There are no cures. No COVID-19 patients can be counted as cured, even if they are cured, because there is no medicine to cure COVID-19, and because cured is not defined for any stage of COVID-19.
What if We Develop a Medicine?
There are a few medicines being tested as treatments for COVID-19. None are being tested as COVID-19 cures. Why not? The current clinical trials are only for drugs that cure the infection stage. There is no hope for a drug that can heal a patient. If the patient is given a drug and it cures their infection, can we count COVID-19 cured?
Yes. And No. Most cases will still be cured by healthiness, with only a few patients needing the drug. The drug will not cure patients injuries, inabilities, or death – it can only prevent these stages, if it is applied in time.
Do Cures Count? Nope.
We have drugs, antibiotics for example, to cure pneumonia. But there are no statistics for pneumonia cured. As soon as a patient is cured, the medical system moves to the next sick patient. Cured patients don’t count, so cures are not counted.
It’s the same for COVID-19. Even as millions of people are cured of COVID-19, there are no statistics for cured. We can’t find cures for COVID-19 by studying COVID-19, we can only find cures for COVID-19 by studying CURE.
to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
Author: A Theory of Cure
This post is written based on the concepts explored in the book COVID-19 from Causes to Cures and the book The Elements of Cure.
The COVID-19 book is currently being developed, and a pre-release copy can be purchased on Amazon. I am looking for input from readers to update this book.
The book The Elements of Cure is also available on Amazon.