Cure Quote

This term is often used to describe a drug (palliative drug) that can relieve the symptoms of a disorder without necessarily effecting a cure.

— Bennington, James L. (James Lynne), 1935-;Brecher, G. (George);W.B. Saunders Company & Brecher, G. (George) & W.B. Saunders Company
Random historical quotes about CURE. Share on X

When we study cure historically, we find many meanings and many interpretations. This page presents a random quote from many years of searching for information and understanding of the meanings of cure.

The book A New Theory of Cure (there being no “old theory of cure”) provides a comprehensive definition of cure for all curable illnesses.

Health is whole.
An illness is a hole in our healthiness.
A cure fills the hole with health.

Tracy Kolenchuk, Author: A New Theory of Health