According to Google, today, there are 22.6 million cases of COVID, 792 thousand deaths and 14.5 million recovered. provides numbers a bit higher, 22.9 million cases, 798 thousand deaths, and 15.5 million recovered. I guess a difference of about a million recoveries isn’t that important. Or is it?
But… What about cured? How many of those, almost 23 million people are cured?
There are no statistics for cured. Cases count. Deaths count. Recoveries, it seems are counted, but cured? Cured is not counted. Why not?
Cured is not defined for COVID-19. COVID-19 is defined as the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to WHO? (The World Health Organization). But cured is not defined. There are no tests for cured, and cured is not counted, cannot be counted.
There are lots of claims of cures. Every one is simply ignored. Cures can’t be proven, because cured can’t be proven.
What does CURED mean for COVID-19?
What’s the difference between is cured and have been cured?
Is cured is a status. The disease was present. Now it’s cured. Maybe it was cured by health. I had a cold. Didn’t we all have a cold. Now I don’t have a cold. It is cured. But there is no medical cure for the common cold.
Was cured is a claim that something cured it. I had a cold. I ate some chicken soup, drank lots of water, and slept all day. It was cured by those actions. There is no medicine that can cure the common cold. It was cured by health, not by medicines.
What cures COVID-19? Only health can cure a cold. Does hydroxychloroquine cure COVID? Does remdesivir? What about Traditional Chinese Medicines? Or homeopathic solutions? Can we cure COVID-19 with health? What actions cure COVID-19?
How can we tell? We can’t tell. COVID-19 cured is not defined. No cure claims can be proven. Cure claims can be denied, but no cure claims can be dis-proven either, without a definition of cured. We can define cured for COVID-19, but to get from here to there, we have to start the journey.
Today, there is only a single theory of cure. Conventional medicine has no theory of cure. No practice of alternative medicine has a theory of cure. Homeopathic medicine, with the mantra of like cures like, has no theory of cure.
The book COVID-19 from Causes to Cures (Canadians link here) is a view of COVID-19, from the perspective of cure. It uses the concepts of A Theory of Cure, as explored in the book The Elements of Cure to explore the cures of COVID-19.
I need your help. The Kindle edition is a working draft – I need to work on it to improve it. I need your input to produce and publish the final edition. The price, at present, is very, very low, so anyone can easily purchase a copy and give me some feedback.
REWARD: In exchange for feedback, I will list your name into the final edition, recognizing your input to the process. If you have any advice on curing COVID-19, and proving that COVID-19 is cured, please drop me a note at:
to your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine
Author: The Elements of Cure, A Theory of Cure: COVID-19, from Causes to Cures