What causes chronic illnesses? What cures them? What causes chronic diseases? What cures them? What’s the difference between a normal illness, which quickly fades as it is cured by healthiness, and a chronic disease that appears to be incurable?A normal illness is cured by addressing the cause. A chronic illness has a chronic cause. The cure is to address the cause. What is the cause of every chronic illness?
The cause of a chronic illness is chronic. Every chronic illness has a chronic cause, a cause that repeats over time, a cause that persists, a cause that just won’t go away, and because of the chronic cause, the illness won’t go away.
There are two basic types of illness – and there are two basic types of chronic illnesses. But, for an illness to be chronic, the cause must have a chronic nature.
Causal Illness
Many illnesses are caused by processes. Infections are caused by the growth process bacteria. Scurvy is caused the process (or lack of process) of not consuming sufficient Vitamin C. Every illness has a cause.
Every cause has a cause. We might think all infections are caused by bacteria. An infection might be caused by an injury or wound – an incident, or by working in a dirty environment – a chronic condition. Scurvy might be caused by a temporary job on a ship with a crappy cook, or by poverty – a chronic condition.
Chronic Causal Illness
Any causal illness can be chronic.
Working in a dirty environment can lead to chronic infections. Normally, infections are cured by healthiness. Dangerous infections might be cured by antibiotics. But the most powerful antibiotic cannot cure a chronic infection caused by a dirty environment. The cure is to address the cause. To cure a chronic infection caused by working in a dirty environment, it is necessary to clean up the environment or to stop working there. Likewise, chronic scurvy is cured by addressing the chronic cause – and cannot be cured by simply providing Vitamin C supplements.
Attribute Illness
An attribute illness is caused by an attribute or a thing. Carpal tunnel can be caused by poor posture, or by a poorly designed chair or desk. Plantar fasciitis (aka plantar fasciosis) is caused by a shortening of the plantar fascia.
Chronic Attribute Illness
Attribute illnesses are chronic. Because they are caused by an attribute or a thing, they persist until the negative attribute is changed, transformed to a neutral or even a positive attribute. Carpal tunnel caused by a poorly designed chair or desk can be cured by transforming or replacing the furniture. Carpal tunnel caused by poor posture can be cured by changing – improving posture. Chronic plantar fasciitis is cured by addressing the chronic cause – the shortness of the plantar fascia.
Cataracts are a chronic illness. Cataracts are cured by transformation, by replacing the blocked lens with a clear lens.
Obesity is a chronic condition with a process cause. It is not caused by food, nor by eating. People who eat don’t get obese. It is not caused by overeating. People don’t get obesity from overeating at Christmas, for example. It is caused by chronic overeating. The cure for obesity is to address the chronic eating problem, by finding the cause of the chronic cause and addressing it.
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition caused by a process. It is not caused by eating sugar. It is not caused by eating too much sugar. It is caused by chronic unhealthy eating. The cure for type 2 diabetes is to address the chronic behaviour that feeds diabetes.
Any disease, any illness can be chronic. Every illness has a cause. When the cause is chronic, it creates a chronic illness. Many causes, like overeating, only cause illness when the cause is chronic.
No illness, no case of disease, no medical condition is a “thing” to be “treated”. A curable illness is the intersection of cause and consequences – and the cure is to address the cause. A chronic illness is the intersection of a chronic cause and chronic consequences. It cannot be cured by simply addressing the cause. We cannot cure a chronic infection by curing the infection. We only cure chronic infection by addressing the chronic nature of the cause.
Attempts to “treat” chronic conditions fail to cure, fail to recognize cures when they occur. Attempts to treat chronic illnesses can move us farther from cures, even as we succeed.
Complex Chronic Illness
An illness can have three types of consequences. A simple illness, like the common cold or flu causes signs and symptoms of illness which disappear when the illness fades. An illness like acne causes signs and symptoms, but as it progresses it can cause injuries which require healing cures, and as it progresses further it might cause damage, like scars, that cannot be healed.
Because chronic illnesses persist over time, they can easily become complex over time. Many chronic illnesses have multiple complex consequences.
Compound Chronic Illness
A compound illness is one with more than one cause, such that if one cause is addressed the patient will still have the illness. For example, a poverty-stricken alcoholic might have a Vitamin C deficiency illness, or even scurvy because they can’t afford healthy food, and also because any money they get is spent on alcohol, not food, much less healthy food. In this case, two cures are required to cure the illness.
Chronic diseases can easily become chronic. Why does this happen? It happens because we seldom attempt to cure chronic illnesses. When a patient acquires one chronic disease, and it is not cured by addressing the cause, a second cause can occur. Because the second cause results in the same illness – the new illness is not noticed. But curing becomes more difficult and might appear impossible. Even when a cure works, curing one element of a compound illness, it might not even diminish signs and symptoms significantly.
Chronic Illness Causes Chronic Illness
Chronic illnesses, when uncured, persist over time, becoming more complex and compound. As a result, chronic illnesses can often cause other chronic illnesses.
We can only cure chronic illnesses by understanding them and by working deliberately and scientifically to cure them.
Curing Chronic Disease
How many chronic diseases are actually compound chronic illnesses? We don’t know. Conventional medicine generally treats chronic diseases without attempting to cure them, without recognizing or counting cures when they occur/ We don’t understand chronic diseases. And we’re not trying to understand them.
To your health, tracy
Founder: Healthicine