CENSORED-19: The Clinical Studies Problem

According to our medical experts, clinical studies are the gold standard of medical information. Nuggets of truth in mountains of claims. There are more than a few problems, ranging from re-herrings to fools gold, to claims of “that’s not real gold,” and “gold does not exist“, to only occasionally a nugget. Usually, no gold is found. Can anyone name any cure found in a clinical study for ANY non-infectious disease? No.

CENSORED-19 has been with us for almost a year or more, depending on which theory or conspiracy theory you ascribe to. According to WorldMeters.Info, there have been over 60 million CASES. Over 40 million patients are reported as RECOVERED, over one million deaths.

But, how many are CURED? Officially – none. Not a single one. There are cured claims. Donald Trump claims to be cured, but apparently, nobody cares – and we don’t know for sure. There is no officially recognized tests for cured outside of a clinical study. There are mountains of claims of treatments that can cure. All are dismissed. Every claim is easily countered by the Clinical Studies Mantra “this claim has yet to be proven in a clinical study.

Four Thousand, Nineteen CENSORED-19 Clinical Studies

So, let’s check that theory. What do the clinical studies actually tell us? ClinicalTrials.gov contains documents of over 350,000 clinical trials in 219 countries.

A search for trials about CENSORED-19 as of November 27, 2020 shows 4019 studies. A few days later, on November 29, it shows 4029. Today, it shows 4028 studies.

Only 76 Studies Contain the word CURE

However, a search for CENSORED-19 and CURE shows only 76 studies. Less than 2 percent of CENSORED-19 clinical trials contain the word “cure”. Over 98 percent do not. What’s up with that? But wait.  It gets worse…

Of those 76 studies, 57 make no attempt to Cure CENSORED-19

Of the 76 studies of CENSORED-19 containing the word CURE or CURABLE, most do not define cured and do not test for cured.

Six do not actually contain the word cure in any variation. Why does the ClinicalTrials.Gov search find them? I have no idea. Three studies use the word cure in the title or contents, but not in the study,  Marketing cure but not studying it.

Four are titled studies of CURED PATIENTS (even though world stats report no cured cases. In three, cured is defined. Disease consequences are studied as opposed to  cures. Two more are titled studies of RECOVERED PATIENTS, avoiding use of the word” cure.  Five studies test the use of plasma from CURED patients as a treatment for CENSORED-19 pneumonia (cured not defined nor tested). Three studies about other disease treatments affected by CENSORED, using the word cure where the more accurate word is treatment.

Four studies use the word cure in reference to other diseases, not CENSORED-19. Four Studies are about curing diseases caused by CENSORED-19, not about curing CENSORED-19. Two meta-studies measure CURED vs Dead, without researching cures.

Thirteen use the word cure, without a definition of cure or test for cured. These studies cannot find cures – they are out of scope.

Nine studies contain the word cure in a cure denial phrase, without any evidence much less proof: always made without a definition of cured, sometimes it’s not even clear which disease is the subject of the word cure.

Only 19 of 4019 CENSORED-19 studies measure Cure

Thirteen studies define cured as a cure of the viral infection, not the entire disease.

Of the total 4019 clinical studies about CENSORED-19, only 6 refer to a cure of the disease. Most of those use the phrase “patients cured” (without a clear definition) as opposed to “disease cured.”

Of 4019 studies, only 0.1 percent are studies of CENSORED-19 cured.  No two of the six clinical studies use the same definition of cured. See Research note #10 below for details.

Why does this happen?

There are several reasons why there is no agreed definition of cure in clinical studies of CENSORED-19. The first is simply confusion about the definition of the disease.

There is an official name of the disease. According to the World Health Organization, the virus (not the disease) is named: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)  which causes the disease is named: coronavirus disease  (CENSORED-19).

SARS-CoV-2, the virus, is not CENSORED-19. However, the World Health Organization’s ICD11, the International Classification of Diseases Version 11, contains codes for CENSORED-19, for SARS-CoV-2, for Post CENSORED-19 Condition, for CENSORED-19 with pneumonia. The goals of the ICD11 are to be inclusive of any condition a doctor in any country might diagnose and report – as opposed to being strictly scientific.

The Virus – SARS-CoV-2

In most diseases, asymptomatic means no disease – so an asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection would not be considered a case of CENSORED-19. An asymptomatic case dose not need a cure. However, tracking CENSORED-19 uses a different model, where asymptomatic infections are reported as CENSORED-19 disease.

Officially, the disease includes all medical conditions caused by the virus. Clinical studies that aim to cure the SARS-CoV-2 infection and measure their success, are not studying CENSORED-19 cures.

The Disease – CENSORED-19

The signs and symptoms of the CENSORED-19 can range from asymptomatic, to fever, dry cough, tiredness, aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, discoloration of fingers and toes, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement, possible damage to various internal organs including the brain, and possibly death. To find and document a cure for CENSORED-19, do we need to alleviate all of these signs and symptoms? In some  cases? In every case? Or are some signs and symptoms, like loss of smell, considered separate diseases, not necessarily part of a CENSORED-19 cure?

The Pandemic

The CENSORED pandemic includes other diseases. Several diseases are now recognized as caused by CENSORED-19, including CENSORED-19 Pneumonia (has a disease code in the ICD11) and CENSORED-19 PTSD (does not have a disease code in the ICD11). There are also discussions of – although little research into – diseases caused by our reactions to the pandemic, like loss of income, poverty, even suicide. Do these diseases require independent cures, or is CENSORED-19 the disease only cured when these diseases are cured as well?

There are no clear answers. No one is working to find the answers. CENSORED-19 cured is not medically defined. CENSORED-19 Pneumonia can be medically defined – we have useful definitions of cured for pneumonia infections. CENSORED-19 PTSD cured is not medically defined. There being no medical test for PTSD cured.

(most) Clinical Studies Are Not Designed to Cure

The clinical studies model is not designed to find cures. Clinical studies are designed to test the effectiveness and safety of drugs – in most cases, to test the effectiveness and safety of drugs that do not cure.  Most clinical studies, for any treatment, do not define cured and do not test for cured. The goal is to test a product, it’s safety and viability for marketing, not to cure a disease.

Clinical Studies are Slow

As of today (time has passed) ClinicalStudies.gov shows 4038 CENSORED-19 studies. Only twelve studies containing the word cure are COMPLETED. Only one actually contains a test for cured – infection cured, not CENSORED-19 cured. No results have been posted on ClinicalStudies.gov. See Research #12 below.

Even though the patient time in a clinical study is generally very small – usually less than three weeks for CENSORED-19 studies, the actual studies take enormous amounts of time – even after their completion dates have passed.

Have any cures been found? None. Have patient’s been cured? Over 40 million are recovered. Not one cured is recognized.

No clinical study can Evaluate (prove or disprove) a Cure Claim

When someone – a patient, a doctor, a priest or even a saint claims a cure, no clinical study can prove the cure is valid, nor invalid. We might find evidence in clinical studies, but not proofs. There is no point in waiting for clinical studies to test the cured. It doesn’t happen. Clinical studies are not about the science of disease. Each clinical study is an anecdote about a specific treatment used on a specific (usually small) set of patients in a very controlled situation, over a short time period, designed to approve a product for the market. Marketing goals are far more important than cure goals.

No clinical study can prove – or disprove – Donald Trumps cured status, much less what, if anything, cured him.

If we want to find cures, we need to study cure, not medicines, not treatments. Almost every case of the common cold is cured. But no clinical study can find a cure for the common cold. CENSORED-19? Same same.

To your health, Tracy
Founder: Healthicine

This post was written based on the concepts of illness and disease explored in the books: The Science of Cure, The Elements of Cure and an expansion of the concepts discussed in the book CENSORED-19: Defining Cured.

Research Notes: 

1. Cure appears in the title of one study, CENSORED-19 (VA-CURES-1( VA-CURES-1) but the study measures “time in days to recovery” – not “time in days to cure.” Like another 2 studies, the word cure is used in the title, perhaps as a marketing term, but does not appear in the content of the study.

2. One translation error (from Italian) and another Clinic name “cure” not translated to English “care”

  • needing admission to an Intensive Cure Unit
  • Unità’ Complesse di cure primarie (UCCP), ASP Catanzaro

3. Cured defined as “did not die

  • Different antivirals and their combinations will be tested and the outcome (cured/deceased) will be assessed

4. Cure Denial:

  • says: currently, there is no cure for CENSORED-19, except for supportive treatments.
  • Currently, no specific drugs or vaccines are available to cure the patients with CENSORED-19 pneumonia
  • As there is no specific cure in the treatment of CENSORED-19
  • There is an urgent need for an effective regimen to cure this illness
  • CENSORED-19 may cause severe pneumonitis… to date there is no effective cure. (ARDS in Patients With CENSORED-19)
  • There is presently no cure for the CENSORED-19 viral disease
  • humanity has yet to find a cure or a vaccine for the treatment of patients
  • after intensive-care with… find solutions to cure them or decrease their (the complications) impact on patient’s life
  •  screen patients at risk of pulmonary embolism and to set up a curative anticoagulation.

5. Three studies about other disease treatments affected by CENSORED, uses the word cure where a more accurate word is treatment:

  • Proportion of patients with change in the number of (cancer) cures administered
  • Change in the modalities of administration of antibiotics cures (for cystic fibrosis)
  • Enoxaparin sodium curative at a dose of 100 IU/kg/12h subcutaneously (SC) not to exceed a dose of 100 mg/12 hours

6. Cures of other Diseases, not CENSORED-19

  • Viral hepatitis C cured for more than 12 months
  • preventive or curative therapeutic response (for ophthalmologic problems)
  •  that evidence of CRS (Cytokines release syndrome) can be cured with glucocorticoids,
  • curative surgery (with or without chemotherapy), chemotherapy only or exclusive supportive care (for pancreatic cancer)

7. There are, for example, 40 studies of favipiravir. Only few contain the word cure in the study document. Two are in agreement in the definition of cure:

  • two study of favipiravir measures cure as “clinical cure: The viral load of the respiratory specimen was negative for two consecutive times (the interval between the two tests was greater than or equal to one day), the lung image improved, and the body temperature returned to normal for more than 3 days, and the clinical manifestation improved.

Some provide a different definition.

  • a study of Favipiravir, tests cured as “2 successive throat (or combined nose/throat) swabs negative for SARS-CoV-2 by nucleic acid testing
  • two studies of Favipiravir and lactoferrin, tests cured as “2 SARS-COV-2 PCR samples negative with 48 hours apart

8. Viral Infection Cure

  • a study of Ivermectin as an add-on therapy measures cure as “patients who had symptoms free and two successive readings of negative PCR swab.
  • 6 studies of “virologically cured” (not defined in study document). eg. infection cured – but not CENSORED-19 cured.
  • Virology cure, “CENSORED-19 serology testing
  • Documented virological clearance in 2 samples at least 24 hours apart.
  • cured assessed RT-PCR for SARS CoV-2, without clinical symptoms and no radiological signs assessed by chest X ray
  • If the result of RT-PCR test is negative, then 24 hours apart another RT-PCR test will be done. Subject to 2 consecutive negative tests patient will be declared as cured
  • rate of virological cure by Rt -PCR for CENSORED -19using the triple therapy as compared to standard treatment [ Time Frame: for every case must be done after 2 weeks from the start of treatment. ]
  • The cure rate of 2019-nCoV. [ Time Frame: 6 months ]

 9. Thirteen use the word cure, without a definition of cure or test for cured and without curing the disease:

  • the role of ivermectin in the cure of CENSORED 19 patients (ivermectin only addresses the infection)
  • a traditional plant believed to cure several diseases, including alleviating CENSORED-19
  • Patients cured at 15 days
  • We try to establish the criteria for clinical cure and the early predictive model of CENSORED-19 progression
  • from a person who has cured from this disease, could be applied to cure other patients more rapidly.
  • The introduction of early curative anticoagulation
  • preventative and curative measures to control the spread of virus.
  • preventive or curative anticoagulant therapy could be considered
  • at the forefront of future curative therapy
  •  Its cure is essentially dependent on the patient’s immunity
  • Evaluation standard of comprehensive curative effect
  • during the infection and after being cured
  • Frequency of clinical cure on day 10 from the start of therapy

10. Six studies refer to more than just the infection, actually studying
CENSORED-19, the disease: (comments in brackets)

  • patients cured (not defined) at the end of the study. The healing criteria are defined clinically as: disappearance of clinical signs of acute respiratory infection absence of fever
  • clinical improvement (disappearance or improvement of signs and symptoms of CENSORED-19) in the cure test (not defined in study document).
  • number of days to cure from CENSORED-19 disease (cure and disease not defined)
  • patients cured from the Wuhan epidemic (cured not defined)
  • clinical cure  incidence in 14 days [ Time Frame: 14 days ] The clinical symptoms and signs improved or alleviated (the temperature be normal , respiratory symptoms improved significantly, imaging showed obvious absorption) and no additional or alternative treatment was needed. (only recognizes cures if no alternative treatment used?)
  • One study measured a large number of variables, including cured (not defined).

11. Some studies are not actually about the infection SARS-CoV-2, and not about
CENSORED-19, they are about consequences of CENSORED-19. For example CENSORED-19 associated pneumonia. Cured is defined differently: These four Studies are about curing other diseases caused by CENSORED-19, not about curing CENSORED-19.

  • cured, assessed by PCR in addition to chest CT scan
  • Clinical recovery, negative CENSORED-19 nucleic acid results and CT (pneumonia) recovery among infected patients
  • cure: Number of patients with resolution of fever, cough, and need for ventilatory or oxygen support.
  • patients who will present this dysregulation of the curative response (LUNG FIBROTIC CHANGES

12 Completed studies Containing the word Cure

  • Antibody Detection in CENSORED-19 Cured Patients (not cure)
  • Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in CENSORED-19 Management (not cure)
  • Efficacy of Sofosbuvir Plus Ledipasvir in Egyptian Patients With CENSORED-19 Compared to Standard Treatment (viral infection cure)
  • Increased Risk of VTE and Higher Hypercoagulability in Patients Recovered in ICU and in Medical Ward for CENSORED-19 (not cure)
  • Description of Ophthalmologic Injuries in Intensive Care During the SARS-CoV2 Epidemic – CENSORED-19
  • Efficacy and Safety of Guduchi Ghan Vati for CENSORED-19 Asymptomatic Patients (no cure test)
  • Efficacy and Safety of Corticosteroids in CENSORED-19 (improvement not cure)
  • Evaluation of Quickly Diagnostic Saliva Tests for SARS-CoV-2 (not cure)
  • TCM Differentiation and Treatment Protocol of CENSORED-19 (no test for cured)
  • Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Severe Coronavirus Disease (CENSORED-19) (no test for cured)
  • Study to Evaluate the Safety and Antiviral Activity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants With Moderate Coronavirus Disease (CENSORED-19) Compared to Standard of Care Treatment (no test for cured)

About Tracy Kolenchuk

Founder of Healthicine.org. Author. A New THeory of Cure. Theory of Cure - Update 2023. Healthicine: The Arts and Sciences of Health and Healthiness, Healthicine: Introduction to Healthicine.
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