Category Archives: Uncategorized

Most Cures are easy, trivial, and therefore ignored.

We might easily be led to believe that cures are rare, even impossible. After all, “there is no cure for the common cold.” However, after studying the concepts of cure for several years, I made an interesting discovery: “Most illnesses … Continue reading

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To be, or Not to be: A Masker

As we walk around, trying to wake up from the past two and a half years, we seem to have two different groups asking related questions: Why are they still wearing masks Why are they not wearing masks (they, in … Continue reading

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The Invisible Cures

There is one kind of cure that is largely invisible to current medical theory and practice. How can a cure be invisible? There are exactly two fundamental types of cures, based on cause – attribute cures and causal cures. Current … Continue reading

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The Missing Cured

Have you ever been cured of an illness or disease and the cure was ignored, the cure went missing? It happens a lot. Where might we find an illness cured? Where does an illness go, after it’s cured? We sometimes … Continue reading

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The Systemic Suppression of the Cured, their Cures and their Curers

How many diseases have we cured in the past 20 years? The past 50 years? When was the last time our medical systems found a cure for a disease? I’m not sure, but, having studied cure extensively, I have a … Continue reading

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