I’ve been watching the video series “The Truth About Cancer“. Advertised as “28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors And 1 ‘FDA Dragon Slaying’ Attorney Break Their ‘Code Of Silence’ And Expose The TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent, Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally“. It’s a valuable document and I recommend it to anyone who is considering cancer treatment alternatives. However, it does not tell you “how to beat your cancer 100%”- naturally or otherwise. I’m here to explain why it cannot. Note: I will use the acronym TAC (Truth About Cancer) to represent the videos and the message in this series.
When I research any medical information, I take a healthicine perspective. Health is bigger than illness, healthicine is bigger than medicine. When we take a healthicine view – our view is broader, higher, and deeper than a medical viewpoint.
The people in The Truth About Cancer videos work from a medical viewpoint. Most of the people speaking are doctors – in many cases, doctors who were diagnosed with cancer and refused to submit to chemo, radiation and surgery. The doctors who did submit, found they still had cancer , sometimes worse, and decided to find their own path. Their medical perspective restricts their views, their findings and their conclusions.
Note: I have not purchased the videos, and have not watched every minute of the series, so there may be some errors here. These comments are based on my general impression of the video series and some additional research.
1. You are your Cancer. Your cancer is you. I don’t believe these statements were ever made in the series. There were some hints towards this truth in TAC, but in most cases, the cancers were discussed as an ‘enemy’, to be uprooted, killed, and eradicated. There was little discussion of a cure for the patient, only death for the cancer. Almost all of the patients presented were people who claimed to have ‘beaten their cancer’.
I believe it is possible to health your body, without ‘beating’ it – and your cancer will fade away. That is what most of the successful people in this video actually did, although for some of them – that decision came only after a long battle.
2. It’s official, cancer cannot be cured. There may have been someone in the TAC video who claimed to have ‘cured’ their cancer, but in general the video stuck with the current medical theory. Medical textbooks have given up on most cancers, and declare them incurable. The best you can hope for is to ‘put your cancer into remission’ and pray it never returns. Remission is defined as ‘below the threshold of a diagnosis’.
Cancer cure is not defined by the medical profession. There are no medical tests to measure cancer cures and there are no statistics on cancers cured – for any cancer. We can’t tell if cancer has been cured. So we believe it cannot be cured.
Contrary to this faulty logic, cancer patients, can be healthed, can be cured. Many of the people in the video actually cured themselves of cancer – and are cancer free today. There are many more people out there who have cured themselves of cancer. I have met some of them. But the video does not discuss the actual concept of curing a cancer patient.
3. There are no cancer survivors. The term ‘cancer survivor’ is a term created in 1986, by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, to replace the term “cancer victim”, which was seen as too negative. Not as negative as chemo victim, or radiation victim, do you think? A cancer survivor, according to the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, is anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer. It does not matter if the cancer diagnosed was dangerous. Nor does it matter if the diagnosis was incorrect. Once the diagnosis is created – a cancer survivor is created.
In simplest terms, a ‘cancer survivor’ is a cancer patient. Cancer is defined as a disease that cannot be cured, so once you are diagnosed – you are a cancer patient for life. You become a ‘cancer survivor’, until you die.
As the medical profession came to grips with the manufactured reality that “there can be no cures for cancer”, they have embraced the term cancer survivor, and even changed their statistical models to represent the term.
But cancer survivors don’t survive cancer, they survive diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Little has changed from 1986, when there were only “cancer victims” – except the language.
Those who have survived chemo, radiation, and surgery are told, by their doctors, that they have not ‘cured’ their cancer. There are no medical tests for ‘cured’. Every year, these patients are tested again to see if their cancer is ‘still in remission’, or if it has re-emerged. In most cases, after 5 years or less – if the patient is still alive – the cancer re-appears. It was always there.
The TAC videos present several people who have been totally cancer free for years, even decades. TAC often uses the word ‘cancer survivor’, but these people are not ‘cancer survivors in the ‘medical model’. They are simply people who have healthed their bodies – and the cancer went away. They cured themselves – but there is no medical test that recognizes a cancer cure, so the video cannot claim the presence of a cure.
4. Cancer diagnosis is crap. It is very difficult to diagnose diagnose cancers, and even the word ‘cancer’ is poorly defined. A PSA test or a mammogram detects a ‘potential cancer indicator’ and further tests must be used to diagnose cancer. When a potential cancer tumor is found, further tests are needed to determine if it is a ‘real cancer’ – specifically if it is malignant, or if it has metastasized. The definition of ‘cancer’ is different depending on which textbook you read. The medical tests for determining if a cancer is present are so poor that many ‘cancerous tumors’ are removed – and then found to be non-cancerous. One of the most visible was the removal of the thyroid gland from the president of Argentina – which was found afterwards to be non-cancerous. It makes me curious – how many times has a non-cancerous tumor been removed, but the patient never told, or the doctor never actually bothered to check? Is the patient still counted as a ‘cancer diagnosis’ and a ‘cancer survivor’? I suspect so.
Cancer can be over-diagnosed – resulting in dangerous, unnecessary treatments, and it can be also be under-diagnosed, or missed completely, until it is so advanced that the patient is nearly dead. As far as I can remember – the TAC video series does not actually address this issue. Nor the fact that there is a financial incentive to over-diagnosis.
5. Early diagnosis does not prevent cancers. The standard mantra is that cancers should be diagnosed earlier for effective prevention. However, cancer diagnosis does nothing for prevention. Earlier diagnosis often leads to earlier incorrect interventions. TAC makes this clear. The two techniques for finding breast cancers and prostate cancers have been found in many cases, to cause more harm than good. These findings are the result of scientific cancer meta-studies. There are more mammogram victims than mammogram cures, and more PSA victims than PSA cures, because, according to the medical establishment’s official statistics, there are no breast cancer cures, no prostate cancer cures. But the mantra from many ‘professionals’ is still ‘get your mammogram’, ‘get your PSA tested every year’ – in direct contradiction to the scientific evidence. Part of the problem here – discussed in the TAC videos, is the simple fact that there are no other tests available in most medical settings. Thermogram the only breast cancer detection candidate I am aware of at present – is downplayed and not taken seriously by the medical establishment for many reasons, including:
a) we have machinery and training for mammograms,
b) but we don’t have machinery and training for thermograms, and
c) we don’t have time, nor room for both
Statistics indicate that mammograms actually increase cancer risk in some patients. PSA tests don’t increase cancer risk, but they increase risk of unnecessary treatments. Mammograms and PSA tests, our main ‘early diagnosis’ tools – do nothing to ‘prevent’ cancer. They increase false diagnosis, they increase ‘survivors’, and they increase unnecessary cancer treatments. – which also does nothing to prevent cancer. TAC videos say we need better tools for earlier cancer diagnosis. The truth is completely different.
We need tools to detect conditions that create cancer, to detect conditions that lead to cancer.
We need to learn to detect the CAUSES of cancer earlier. But the truth is, we don’t measure the causes of cancer even when a cancer is diagnosed. More about this in point number 7.
6. Cancer Treatments Often Kill. The TAC videos often point out the sad truth about conventional cancer treatments. Very few patients die from cancer. Many die from chemotherapy, from radiation, from surgery – or from combinations of these standard treatments. In many cases the cause of death is not taken seriously. Medical doctors take an oath to “do no harm”, but medical statistics are not constructed to measure harm done.
7. Many Different Treatment Plans work some of the Time. The TAC videos provide information about many clinics that have some success treating cancers. It is difficult to determine any clinic’s level of success, partly because ‘cancer cure’ is not defined. There is also the challenge presented by the extremely weak techniques for cancer diagnosis. Did this treatment actually cure the cancer, or was the diagnosis wrong?
However, we can learn one very important lesson from these videos about successful treatments and possible cures for cancer patients.
If you go to one of the reputable clinics, specializing in cancer treatments – inside or outside of the USA, your first experience will be a huge list of questions, measurements, and tests. In contrast, the standard medical approach is to make as few measures as necessary for a diagnosis – and proceed with treatment. Why the difference?
If you actually intend to treat the cancer patient – instead of simply attempting to kill the cancer – you need to find the cause. If you can find the causes – you can succeed.
Cancer has many causes. According to the scientific evidence, it seems that ‘everything’ causes cancer. Conventional scientific medicine does not attempt to find the causes for any individual patient’s cancer. Sometimes, there is blame – you have cancer because you are a smoker, or because of your genetics, but there is no investigation of actual causes. Treatment is not linked to causes.
The clinics that have the most success fighting cancer, search first for the individual causes for each patient’s cancer. One patient might have five causes contributing to his cancer. Another might have 3, or 7 contributing to her cancer. A thorough search for causes is essential if correct treatments are to be developed for each individual patient. That’s what the successful clinics do. The TAC videos don’t say this directly, they are too busy trying to convince us that “yes, sometimes cures are possible”, to actually stop and examine why, or how this might happen.
8. Your insurance won’t Pay, even if you are Cured. The TAC videos tell us that some people choose chemotherapy, radiation and surgery as their first attempt to fight the cancer – because their insurance pays for these treatments.
But they don’t mention the nonsense that if:
a) you are diagnosed with a cancer, and
b) you undertake a treatment for the cancer that is not chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, and
c) the treatment is a success – follow-up diagnostics show the cancer is gone
d) Your insurance will not pay for the treatment.
Success is not important. If it’s not on the list, the insurance will not pay. But, if you are diagnosed with a cancer, and the cancer is treated with expensive doses of chemotherapy, and radiation, and expensive surgeries, your insurance will pay, even if the cancer recurs next year, or the year after – even if you die.
9. If our Cancer is Cured, No-one Cares. The TAC videos occasionally mention the fact that doctors who have made a cancer diagnosis of cancer, often shun a patient who has success with alternative treatments. But TAC fails to notice that no-one counts these successes in statistics. There are no statistics for cancer cures. People who avoid the conventional medical system are ignored completely by cancer statisticians. This act of ignorance, deliberate or not, fosters continued ignorance about the Truth About Cancer. The truth about cancer is simple – nobody cares enough to count cures.
The Truth About Cancer video series provides a comprehensive overview of the nonsense surrounding conventional medical treatments for cancer, and valuable information about alternatives. Much of what is presented is already known by many people who have taken a serious look at the cancer industry. However – TAC still maintains a ‘medical perspective’ attempting to ‘beat’ the cancer, and thus falls into the trap of believing that cancer cannot be cured.
10. If you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right. If we think we can cure cancer patients, we can learn to do it.
As long as we maintain the status quo:
- the medical textbooks that say ‘cancer is incurable’;
- systems that ignore causes in individual cases;
- the medical systems that aim for remission, not cures;
- systems that ignore damage done by wrong diagnosis;
- treatments that attack the cancer – instead of helping the patient;
- systems that ignore the damage caused by unhealthy treatments;
- systems that cannot recognize, and thus cannot count cures;
We will continue to fail against cancer.
We can cure cancers. We need to go beyond the information in these videos. We need to clearly define ‘cancer cure’ – so that we can recognize it when we see it. We need to document those people whose cancers are cured, so that this information can be used to find effective cures for all cancer patients.
to your health, tracy
Tracy is the author of two books about healthicine:
——————————– comments ———————————————-
John says:
January 12, 2015 at 9:35 pm (Edit)
Could you please get Tracy Kolenchuk to go over the TAC video again she has made bad errors on her first short viewing
tracychess says:
January 13, 2015 at 12:52 pm (Edit)
?? Tracy Kolenchuk is me…. a guy, not a gal. The TAC Video, if I remember correctly, is quite long. I did not view the entire series, and I did not purchase it. I found it interesting, but I must advise that I am viewing from a completely different perspective (healthicine) than most people. I’m interested to hear what you see as ‘bad errors’. tracy
John says:
January 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm (Edit)
A friend of a friend gave me my copy. I had to return it though.
tracychess says:
January 14, 2015 at 3:09 pm (Edit)
Please tell me about my errors. I need to learn from my mistakes, and from other viewpoints. thanks, tracy
John says:
January 14, 2015 at 4:43 pm (Edit)
Your first comment
1. You are your Cancer. Your cancer is you
Yes people did say this.
3. There are no cancer survivors.
If the medical board chances the wording does this make you cured or just a survivor. This can be said about any ill really.
7. Many Different Treatment Plans work some of the Time.
Yes they went over the causes for some of the cancers
Your overall thrust of the comments are good, like so many other topics out there where big money and egos are involved the root cause in the main stream media will never be answered. Cancer is only one of these subjects.