CURE Quote
The real question of importance is: What shall be done? Can crime be cured? If not, can it be wiped out and how? What rights have the public? What rights has the criminal? What obligations does the public owe the criminal? What duties does each citizen owe society?
— Clarence Darrow, Crime, Its Cause And Treatment, 1922Archives
Tag Archives: cure
Illegalicines: Illegal Cures
Have you ever been cured by an illegal medicine? I’m looking for stories. I know there are thousands of illegalicines, illegal medicines that can cure. Tell me your story. I have begun a study of illegalicines: illegal cures. I have … Continue reading
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Tagged cause, cure, EBM, illegal, theory of cure
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Curanoias – Fear of Cures, Curing, and Cured
Modern medicine suffers from many different and severe cases of curanoia, fears of cures based on failures to understand cure. It’s not cure phobia, a phobia is an irrational fear without blame. Curanoia is easily and often rationalized and curers … Continue reading
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101 Ways to Cure a Flat Tire: Illness, Sickness, Disease
I sometimes say “I’m taking my car to the vet“, to get its checkup, to cure its problems. Is a flat tire an illness? A disease? Is a bike, a car, or an airplane sick when it has a flat … Continue reading
Dry Eyes: What Kind of Cure is This?
“Sometime last year, I noticed my eyes were itchy again. The problem has appeared off and on over the past few years. When I was in Arequipa three years ago, my right eye was very itchy. I went to an … Continue reading
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All I Want for Christmas is a Coven Pass
When I was a young boy, I went to Sunday School every week. Later, I grew older and began attending regular church meetings and listening, not always quietly, to the sermons. I don’t remember the name of the church – … Continue reading
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Tagged cure, theory of cure
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