Have you ever been cured? Have you ever gone to a doctor, been diagnosed with a disease – and later been cured? Does your medical record show “cured?” Do you know anyone who has been cured of any disease? Do their medical records show their disease is cured?
Have you ever been cured of a disease where the government or the medical systems maintain statistics about cured? Are any of disease cures monitored and documented statistically?
Yes, you have been cured. No. It has not been documented. Yes, members of your family and friends have been cured. No, their cures have not been documented. Medically, cured is rarely defined, cures are rarely documented, and not counted except in specific limited instances like clinical studies.
Cured is not medically defined for most diseases. Cured is defined scientifically and medically for an infectious disease cured by an anti-infectious approved drug or surgery that kills, removes or disables the infectious agent. Cured is not medically defined for any non-infectious disease. In addition, cured is not medically defined – cannot be proven – for any non-approved treatment. As a result, most cases of cured are simply ignored.
Have you ever had a cold? Cured? Influenza? Cured? Food Poisoning? Cured? Measles? Cured? COVID-19 or any variant? Cured? Cured is not medically defined for any of these diseases. Almost everyone is cured. Every cured case is simply ignored. “There is no cure for the common cold.” So, no cases are cured.
But wait, there’s more. much more. Have you ever had a wart? Is it gone? Cured? Does anyone exist who has never had a wart? Is there anyone who has never had a wart cured? I don’t think so, not any adult.
We all know people who have been cured. But our medical systems and governments have no statistics for cured. Cured diseases are not important. Maybe they’re just trivial? Or are they?
Do you know anyone who has been cured of cancer? Do their medical records show cured? No, they don’t Doctors are allowed to tell patients they are cured – although most cancer doctors refuse to use the word cure and advise their staff to avoid the word cure, some actually say “You’re cured.” But there is no record. There is no proof. Individual patients cancers, individual cancers are cured. We can’t cure breast cancer, or skin cancer, or prostate cancer, we can only cure individual cases. Cancer cured is not medically defined on an individual basis. But in individual cases, cancer cures are only monitored statistically using measures of cure-rate. Cure rate is the percentage of cases we believe were cured by an approved medical treatment because the patient is still alive and has no cancer X years later. Thus we have 5 year cure rates and 10 year cure rates. But no individual case of cancer can be documented as cured. Cancer cured is not defined medically – there is no medical test, no scientific test for cancer cured. None. It is interesting to note that CANCER.GOV reports, in 2020, there were over 1 million 800 thousand new cases of cancer. At the same time, the American Academy of Dermatology claims there are over 3 million 400 thousand new cases of skin cancer. Twice as many skin cancers as CANCER.GOV cancers. Were those missing cases actually cured? A search for cure on the Academy of Dermatology webpage brings, as the first reference, “Dermatology is a great field — you don’t cure anybody, so they keep coming back!”
When we search Amazon.com for cancer cure, it shows “over 2,000 results.” A search for diabetes cure shows over 7000 books. Back Pain cure, over 4000. Heart disease cures, over 4000. Depression cure, over 1000. Common cold cure, over 1000. Autism cure, over 800. Chronic Disease cure over 800. Addiction cure, over 700. Parkinson’s cure, over 700. Arthritis cure, over 600. Epilepsy cure, almost 500. Alzheimer’s cure, over 400. Crohn’s cure, o ver 300. Influenza cure, over 200. Hypertension, almost 200. Bipolar, over 100. Schizophrenia cure, over 100. A search for books about “cure” shows over 20,000 results, although many of these are fiction. Are they all fiction?
Every one of these books contains numerous case studies of cured, claims of patients and diseases cured. Were any cases actually cured? Nobody cares. Medically, these diseases are incurable. Cures don’t count. Cures are not counted.
A search for scurvy cure shows over 50 books , but. No authoritative medical text documents a cure for scurvy. Instead, medical texts recommend treatments and preventatives for scurvy.
Worldmeters shows over 600 million people have RECOVERED from COVID. The word cured is not avoided. Doctors have been die-licensed for claiming to cure COVID. Claiming COVID cured is forbidden. I have found, in my constant ongoing research into cured, I have found some, but less than 100 cases of COVID cured recognized scientifically. I challenge anyone to find them. Good luck. Officially, no cases of COVID have been cured. Therefore, there is no cure for COVID.
It is possible to study cures. It is possible to understand cured. The science is trivial. Develop a scientific theory of cure. Define cured scientifically. Test for cured. Document.
There is no interest. Our current medical systems have no theory of cure, no theory of cured. So no cured are seen. No cured are possible. No cured are documented. No cured can be proven.
We will not find a cure for cancer until we can recognize the cured. We have a long history of cancer cure claims. All are simply dismissed. Claims that patients were cured are dismissed.
We will not find a cure for the common cold, until we can recognize the cured. Only after we can recognize the cured. It’s interesting to read Linus Pauling’s books about curing the common cold. Pauling did not have a test for “common cold cured.” So he could not prove any patient was cured. So he couldn’t come close to proving “the cause of the cured.“
The Theory of Cure, as published in the book A New Theory of Cure and the paper Theory of Cure, 2023 Update provides a foundation for understanding all cures of all illnesses and diseases – diagnosed or not. It’s time to study cure.
To your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure