CURE Quote
Allopathy is based upon the theory of opposites: that a disease may be cured with a chemical substance that has the opposite therapeutic effect (for example, an antibiotic). Homeopathy on the other hand, has, as a central plank to its paradigm of healthcare knowledge, the principle that ‘like cures like’ (see Kaufman 1971)… In other words, allopathic and homeopathic paradigms are incommensurable—both can not be correct and thus they can not really be considered complementary to each other.
— Philip Tovey, Gary Easthope & Jon Adams (Edt.), The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2003Archives
Tag Archives: flat tire
101 Ways to Cure a Flat Tire: Illness, Sickness, Disease
I sometimes say “I’m taking my car to the vet“, to get its checkup, to cure its problems. Is a flat tire an illness? A disease? Is a bike, a car, or an airplane sick when it has a flat … Continue reading