CURE Quote
The reason one nutrient can cure so many different illnesses is because a deficiency of one nutrient can cause many different illnesses.
— Andrew W. Saul PH.D., Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease: 65 Experts on Therapeutic and Preventive Nutrition, 2014Archives
Tag Archives: disease
Curanoias – Fear of Cures, Curing, and Cured
Modern medicine suffers from many different and severe cases of curanoia, fears of cures based on failures to understand cure. It’s not cure phobia, a phobia is an irrational fear without blame. Curanoia is easily and often rationalized and curers … Continue reading
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Tagged cause, curanoia, cure, disease
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101 Ways to Cure a Flat Tire: Illness, Sickness, Disease
I sometimes say “I’m taking my car to the vet“, to get its checkup, to cure its problems. Is a flat tire an illness? A disease? Is a bike, a car, or an airplane sick when it has a flat … Continue reading
In Sickness and Health: Form follows Function?
“Form follows function” is a quote by the architect Louis Sullivan who said that buildings and other objects, which we might perceive as not beautiful, should have a shape that primarily relates to their intended function or purpose. The phrase is … Continue reading