CURE Quote
The power of music to integrate and cure . . . is quite fundamental [It is the] profoundest nonchemical medication. —Oliver Sacks, Awakenings
— Campbell, Don G, The Mozart Effect : tapping the power of music to heal the body, strengthen the mind, and unlock the creative spirit, 1997Archives
Tag Archives: cause
Illegalicines: Illegal Cures
Have you ever been cured by an illegal medicine? I’m looking for stories. I know there are thousands of illegalicines, illegal medicines that can cure. Tell me your story. I have begun a study of illegalicines: illegal cures. I have … Continue reading
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Tagged cause, cure, EBM, illegal, theory of cure
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Curanoias – Fear of Cures, Curing, and Cured
Modern medicine suffers from many different and severe cases of curanoia, fears of cures based on failures to understand cure. It’s not cure phobia, a phobia is an irrational fear without blame. Curanoia is easily and often rationalized and curers … Continue reading
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Tagged cause, curanoia, cure, disease
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