Have you ever been cured by an illegal medicine? I’m looking for stories. I know there are thousands of illegalicines, illegal medicines that can cure. Tell me your story.

I have begun a study of illegalicines: illegal cures. I have written about illegal medicines in the past, in several blog posts – without using the name illegalicines.
In 2010, I published the post Health Protection vs Health Freedom, in which I discussed how the producing and selling a Teddy Bear constructed with a microwavable rice warming pouch to comfort children was made ILLEGAL. All of the medically illegal Teddy Bears were confiscated by Health Canada. Shawn Buckley, who I heard speak on that issue continues his battles today, against the insidious growth of illegalicines. At the time, he was also speaking about True Hope nutritional supplements, which had managed to survive an legal court challenge due to a judges ruling that said “‘The Defendants were overwhelmingly compelled to disobey the D.I.N. regulation in order to protect the health, safety and well-being (of their clients)“.
At that time, I didn’t understand how far back in history we mind find the concept of illegalicines: illegal medicines and treatments. Thousands of years ago. as described by Robert Sheon, in the book Coping with Arthritis: “specialization is ages old. having existed among the Egyptians in 1500 BC… Each part of the body was the province of a different “priest,” who could treat only that particular component. Moreover, the treatment had to follow a careful, prescribed-by-law ritual. Any deviation in the administration of the cure meant capital punishment.” Official cures were ILLEGAL unless administered according to the law. The medical cartel had established “standards of care,” most of which could not cure the disease they applied to, which imprisoned doctors. Little has changed today. We have many standards of cure, almost no standards of cure. Most diseases are considered to be incurable. today
“In 1527 he (Paracelsus) set up as a doctor in Basle in Switzerland and soon became famous for his miraculous cures. Naturally he made enemies of doctors already working in the region”
Mark Booth, The Secret History of the World
Medical authorities of the day were unable to tolerate the successes of Paracelsus.
In England, in the 1600s, doctors who dared to cure patients of incurable diseases were drummed out of town by their medical associations. Curing, and claiming someone to be is cured was illegal – regardless of their success. This model has been repeated throughout history in every country around the world and continues to occur and to grow today.
“The “water cure” spread to America about 1850 and until about 1854 it prospered greatly, but most of the doctors were opposed to this treatment. It seemed almost as though they did not want the people to get hold of any remedy that was practical, inexpensive, and could be used in any home. About 1870 they successfully had a law passed that prevented the water cure practitioners from practicing in New York.”
– Jethro Kloss, Back to Eden, 2012
“The persecution has continued in France mostly against doctors who find themselves dragged before tribunals for perpetrating dowsing cures on patients officially declared uncurable…“
– Peter Tompkins, Secret Life of Plants
Today we can find many old books about the water cures – there are many different water cures. But there is no interest in understanding, no interest in their study. Water cures are still forbidden.
“In 1948, Dr. Gian-Cursio, Chiropractor and Hygienist, was sentenced to prison when his drugless healing system and sanitarium, THE CASTLE OF HEALTH, was becoming noted for its successful healing of diseases that the doctors had not been able to cure. He was framed and sentenced to a year in prison without being allowed a trial by jury.”
– Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle
“It is forbidden to cure by magnetism, and nobody is allowed to practise by Hahnemann’s method.” Inglis, Brian Natural Medicine, 1979
Many mechanical curative systems, from the RIFE machines, infrared lamps, to eye exercises became illegal treatments as their success grew. Doctors are not allowed to prescribe them for any disease. These cures can still be used by individuals – but every cures success or failure is an anecdote, easily ignored, not important. Were they successful 5 percent of the time? Ten percent? 50 percent? We have no idea. Today, without any theory of cure, we have no techniques to judge cured – and our medical systems have no interest in studying forbidden cures. Studying them has become technically illegal. Clinical studies have become illegal – without permission from the establishment.
“The definition of malpractice in New York state, as it is in many other states in this country, is to operate outside the mainstream of medical oncology. You can be convicted. You can be fined. You can lose your license. You can go to jail. People can bring malpractice suits against you even if releases have been signed. It is now illegal to find a cure for cancer.” Lynes, Barry, The healing of cancer : the cures, the cover-ups and the solution now, 1989
“In Britain it is illegal for anyone to claim to have a cure for cancer that is not approved by the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry. In the US countless cancer pioneers – including some of the brightest medical brains of the century – have been hounded out of the country and forced to open clinics elsewhere.” Vernon Coleman, SUPERBODY The Secret of Survival in the 21st Century, 1999
“Ozone therapy equipment is not approved for medical use and therefore illegal for any professional to treat or cure disease with it, including Doctors, there is nothing in law to prevent any individual from using the equipment to treat or cure themselves.” Mike Cavalli, Reversing Disease Naturally, 2013
In 2016 I published, How far is it from Medical Theory to Medical Practice, I noted that “Many medicines are illegal today; illegal to buy, illegal to sell, illegal to advertise. Some are even illegal to manufacture yourself, illegal to give away.” I also that “It is illegal to do a ‘clinical study’ without government approval, and the approval bar is high.”
And this still happens today. In “Paris in late March 2021, David Noakes and Lynda Thyer were sentenced to four and three years in prison, respectively” for “having conducted an unauthorized business in medicines.” No patients were harmed. No patents were used illegally. The successes resulting their actions was not considered relevant to the decision, that a crime had been committed. Claims of cured patients were simply ignored. There is no defense for curing illegally.
Modern medicine has no recognized medical nor scientific test for cancer cured – and also has no accepted theory of cure, no independent test of cured for most diseases and has no interest in finding one, much less studying cures scientifically.
“It also doesn’t help that it is illegal to use the word “cure” for anything that is not a drug.” Dr. Ray Glidden, The MD Emporer has no Clothes, 2014
Technically, all medicines are to some degree, illegal in specific circumstances or situations.
All medicines that have not been officially approved are considered illegal if they make any claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. It makes no difference if doctors and patients “claim cured.” It is also illegal to manufacture, and sell ALL officially approved medicines – without approval of the patent owner, approval of various levels of government authorities, and in many cases, approval of a licensed medical practitioner, a written prescription, is also required.
The latest fashion in modern medicine is Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). “Evidence” in EBM is statistical evidence. Every cure is a single data point, not a statistic, so cures are not important. Cured is not defined for most diseases in modern medicine, and Evidence Based Medicine has no definition of cured either. Cured is not “evidence.”
The illegality of medicines attained new heights during the COVID pandemic. Many doctors were admonished, punished, even dismissed, losing their jobs and their medical licenses some were jailed, for daring to attempt COVID. Curative success was, and is, not considered relevant the judgement of a crime and the levy of a punishment Were their actions illegal according to the government? Often not, there was no specific legislation. Many of rules being enforced were unwritten concepts created in various medical associations. As a result, some found it difficult to challenge the laws, to fight their punishment “legally.” They were, and some continue to be punished without any official arrest, much less a legal hearing or trial – where contrary evidence might be presented and legal actions disputed. Many individual doctors simply gave up, retired, moved on to non-medical careers.
And not just medicines.
“In recent times regulatory authorities in importing countries such as Germany have restricted the role of traditional medicines to supplements that can be used only for “indications such as invigorating and strengthening” and which cannot be “intended to cure or treat disease”
– Darshan Shankar and Padma Venka, Encyclopaedia of the History of Science
Many countries and international organizations limit natural, healthy products and supplements, making them illegal to design, test, manufacture, and sell – and these illegalities continues to grow. In many cases it is illegal to sell a a nutritional supplement product if it is marketed or recommended as a treatment for any disease. For example, the recommended doses of Vitamin C to treat scurvy in Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, and Lange’s Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment are 100 to 500 mg, 200 mg, and 300 to 1000 mg a day. But, in the EU, is selling a product with 500mg tablets illegal? A product containing 500 mg per tablet is thus considered to be a medicine in some countries – and therefore can only be sold if approved by the medical bureaucracies. This, combined with the simple reality that no pharma corporation has interest in selling such a product – it becomes illegal. You can’t buy it because no-one is allowed to sell it, even though it is widely recognized as the cure for scurvy – and obviously a cure for a Vitamin C deficiency status illness.
In my writings about cure, and theory of cure, I generally restrict the concept of cures to actions that address a present cause of the illness. However, our legal systems make no such distinction. Illegal cures range from preventatives and diagnostics, to symptomicines – which make no attempt to address disease cause, to actions that can actually cure.
In addition, illegal cures can be positive and negative – I have friends who lost their jobs for failure to submit to a preventative medical procedure, a vaccine. Did they break the law? Not any governmental law, but the punishment administered was severe – and without any opportunity for defense, much less legal recourse.
There are also illegal healthicines – actions or products that improve healthiness, but are illegal 9n specific situations. It is apparently illegal to sell bottled water, if the label claims that it can be used to prevent, treat, or cure dehydration – although when the question was asked of the EEU, the reply was “no ruling will be made until someone makes a submission.” Such claims makes the product a medicine. Medicines are illegal unless approved.
Some illegalicines are strictly forbidden, like heroin (once a recognized medicine), such that possession is illegal resulting in imprisonment – or perhaps worse in some countries. Some like Vitamin C are only illegal to be marketed as cures – or illegal to sell in certain forms. Some, like marijuana are illegal in some countries, in others possession and use is tolerated or ignored, in other countries, and legal – although only when sold with government taxation in others. Even brings us to alcohol and tobacco – considered by many to be curative in specific situations. But not legal to freely buy and sell – unless the tax is paid, and certainly not legal to be marketed as a medicine.
Standards of Care, although rarely articulated as legal, define treatments other than the standard, as actions against the medical associations guidelines, which might punished – inside or outside of the country’s legal systems. Success or failure to cure is not relevant.
I’m looking for stories. I know there are thousands of illegalicines, illegal medicines that can cure. I can’t find them all by myself. I want to find real stories, your stories, where an illegal medicine produced a cure. Don’t worry about proof of cured. In a recent post I pointed out that most patients, as well as their doctors and medical systems avoid the word cure, like a plague – an strange truth. Don’t worry about those who say “your cure is anecdotal“. Every cure is a story, every cure is an anecdote. Don’t worry about those who claim “correlation is not causation,” remember that statistically, causation REQUIRES correlation, but no cure is a statistic.
Have you been cured by an illegal medicine? Tell me your story in the comments, or contact me at tracychess@hotmail.com.
to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure